One goes deep underwater and starves his brain of oxygen. Another works with a blindfold on, unable to see what he is doing. Another forced himself to sleep only three hours a night.


These are the bizarre techniques, which some geniuses use to get ideas and be productive.


Of course, it is not essential (and certainly not recommended) to go to such extreme lengths to have a successful career.However, for all those who struggle to be creative and want to know the secrets of famous scientists, writers and artists, here is a short guide to achieving dreams, the hard way.




The Japanese inventor Yoshiro Nakamatsu, holder of 3,300 patents, father of the karaoke machine and the digital watch, forces himself to dive without oxygen, allowing the pressure from the water to starve his brain of blood. Then, he says, "zero-point-five seconds before death, I visualize an invention."


If this technique seems too insanely dangerous (and it does), a much safer option is to shut out all sensory stimuli from the surrounding environment. The author Jonathan Franzen, winner of the US National Book Award, puts on earplugs, earmuffs and a blindfold to improve concentration.

How does Franzen know what he is writing? He uses the little bumps on his keyboard's home keys to guide his fingers.




Continuing the theme of self-denial, Thomas Edison, the inventor of the phonograph and the alkaline battery, robbed himself not of oxygen or light, but of sleep.He is said to have worked for 72 hours straight when inspiredby a project before putting his head down to rest.



This, however, may have worked for Edison, but is not medically recommended for mere mortals, who are likely to suffer hallucinations and emotional breakdowns due to sleep deprivation.


Beethoven, the famous composer, had a somewhat more agreeable method for getting his creative juices flowing. He would pour large pitchers of water over his hands while humming and singing to himself.

Using this strategy, Beethoven wrote nine symphonies, 16 string quartets and 32 piano sonatas, so there must have been something to it. Apparently, however, his neighbors complained about all the noise.



Charles Dickens, the nineteenth-century author, swore by the benefits of walking. He is said to have routinely walked up to 30 kilometers per day to get inspiration for his novels.


Another odd technique, which is said to be common among highly successful individuals, is talking to themselves. The current world number one tennis player, Andy Murray, directs shouted obscenities at himself between points as a motivational aid.

Of course, if you do this you are risking being thought mentally ill. On the other hand, since everybody is constantly mumbling nonsense into his or her phones in public these days, you could probably get away with it.




One thing most successful people do is get up very early. Rising at 4 am, they say, gives them time to get all the day's mundane tasks out of the way before getting down to the real business.


Therefore, there are many things one can do, some of them very weird, others less so, in a drive to achieve greatness. The question is, how far would you go to be successful?






