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Why does water boil more aggressively when you touch the bottom of the pan with a spoon?【译】为什么当你用勺子碰锅底时,水会更猛烈地沸腾?【单词】boil [boil][bɔɪl] v. 沸腾;煮沸【单词】aggressively [uh-'gres-iv-lee][ə'ɡresɪvli] adv. 有干劲地【单词】touch [tuhch][tʌtʃ] vt. 触摸;触及【单词】bottom ['bot-uh m]['bɒtəm] n. 底部;底端【单词】pan [pan][pæn] n. 平底锅;盘子;盘状物【单词】spoon [spoon][spuːn] n. 匙;调羹;匙状物

You are creating a nucleation site and allowing bubbles to more easily form.【译】你正在创造一个成核(作用)的地方,让气泡更容易形成。【单词】creating 原型:create [kree-'eyt][kri'eɪt] v. 创造;造成【单词】nucleation [ˌnjuːklɪ'eɪʃən] n. [物化]成核现象;集结,核晶作用【单词】site [sahyt][saɪt] n. 地点;位置;现场【单词】bubbles 原型:bubble ['buhb-uhl]['bʌbl] n. 气泡;泡影

Clean water can have difficulty coming to a boil if the container it is in is very smooth and uniform.【译】干净的水如果在非常光滑和均匀的容器中,那么它是很难沸腾的。

【单词】difficulty ['dif-i-kuhl-tee, -kuhl-tee]['dɪfɪkəlti] n. 困难;麻烦【单词】container [kuh n-'tey-ner][kən'teɪnə] n. 容器【单词】smooth [smooth][smuːð] adj. 光滑的;均匀的【单词】uniform ['yoo-nuh-fawrm]['juːnɪfɔːm] adj. 一致的;统一的

Adding a material different than the container, such as a spoon or piece of spaghetti, to the hottest region of the pot (nearest the stove), gives the water an irregular area where bubbles can more easily form.【译】在锅的最热区域(离炉子最近)添加一种不同于容器的材料,比如勺子或意大利面,会使水形成不规则的区域,气泡就会更容易形成。【短语】such as 比如,例如;例句:I know many of them, such as John, Peter, and Tom. 我认识他们当中的很多人,例如约翰、彼得和汤姆。【单词】spaghetti [spuh-'get-ee][spə'ɡeti] n. 意大利式细面条【单词】hottest 原型:hot 形容词最高级:最热的

【单词】region ['ree-juhn]['riːdʒən] n. 地区;范围;领域;地带;地域【单词】pot [pot][pɒt] n. 罐;壶【单词】stove [stoʊv] n.(用于取暖的)炉子,火炉;【单词】irregular [ih-'reg-yuh-ler][ɪ'reɡjələ] adj. 不规则的;不整齐的

In extreme cases, water can become superheated and the smallest vibration or something falling into the container can cause it to explosively come to a boil and geyser out of the container.【译】在极端情况下,水会变得过热,最小的振动或掉入容器的东西都会导致它爆炸性地沸腾并从容器中喷出。【短语】fall into 落入;分成;例句:You will fall into contempt by such foolish behaviour. 如此愚蠢的举止会使你受人轻视。We rescued the boy who fell into the river. 我们救起了掉进河里的小孩。【单词】extreme [ik-'streem][ɪk'striːm] adj. 极度的;极端的【单词】superheated [soo-per-'heet][ˌsuːpə'hiːtɪd] 过热蒸汽,过度加热【单词】vibration [vahy-'brey-shuhn][vaɪ'breɪʃn] n. 震动;颤动【单词】explosively 副词 adv. 爆发地;引起爆炸地【单词】geyser ['gahy-zer]['ɡiːzə] n. 间歇泉;天然热喷泉


A similar effect can be seen in candymaking.【译】类似的效果也可以在糖果制作中看到。

You can have a supersaturated sugar solution that stays liquid.【译】你可以有一个保持液体的过饱和糖溶液。【单词】supersaturated [suːpər'sætʃəreɪtɪd] 过饱和的【单词】sugar ['shoo g-er]['ʃʊɡə] n. 糖,食糖【单词】solution [suh-'loo-shuhn][sə'luːʃn] n. 溶液;溶解【单词】liquid ['lik-wid]['lɪkwɪd] adj. 液体的;液态的 n. 液体

Drop a few grains of solid sugar into the pot or scratch the side of the pot with a spoon and the whole thing suddenly crystallizes because you've provided nucleation sites.【译】在罐子里滴几粒固体糖或者用勺子刮一下罐子的侧面,整个东西会突然结晶,因为你提供了成核的位置。【单词】grains 原型:grain [greyn][ɡreɪn] n. 谷物;谷类;微量;颗粒【单词】solid ['sol-id]['sɒlɪd] adj. 固体的;实心的;结实的【单词】scratch [skrach][skrætʃ] v. 抓;搔(痒);划破

Nucleation sites are where the change of state (liq->solid or liq->gas) occurs.【译】成核点是发生状态变化(液体->固体或液体->气体)的地方。【单词】occurs 原型:occur [uh-'kur][ə'kɜː] vi. 发生;存在;出现;想到

When everything is exactly the same, it can be hard for such a site to appear.【译】当一切都完全相同的时候,这样的位置很难出现。【单词】exactly [ig-'zakt-lee][ɪɡ'zæktli] adv. 精确地;确切地;完全地;严密地;正是

However, if there are slight (microscopic) impurities, these can disturb the system just enough to lower the energy for the phase change.【译】然而,如果有少量(微观)杂质,这些杂质会干扰系统,从而降低相变的能量。【单词】slight [slahyt][slaɪt] adj. 轻微的;纤弱的;微小的【单词】microscopic [mahy-kruh-'skop-ik][ˌmaɪkrə'skɒpɪk] adj. 显微镜的;极小的;微观的【单词】impurities 原型:impurity [im-'pyoor-i-tee][ɪm'pjʊərəti] n. 不纯;杂质【单词】disturb [dih-'sturb][dɪ'stɜːb] v. 扰乱;妨碍;使 ... 不安;打破...的平静【单词】phase [feyz][feɪz] n. 相位;方面;局面;阶段

If you have very pure water and keep adding heat uniformly (such as a microwave), everywhere in the solution has the same energy and no one area preferentially wants to become the first bubble site.【译】如果你有非常纯净的水,并且继续均匀地加热(比如微波炉),溶液中的每一个地方都有相同的能量,没有一个区域愿意成为第一个气泡位置。【单词】pure [pyoor][pjʊə] adj. 纯的;纯洁的;纯粹的【单词】uniformly ['yoo-nuh-fawrm]['juːnɪfɔːmli] adv. 一律地;均匀地;无变化地【单词】microwave ['mahy-kroh-weyv]['maɪkrəweɪv] n. 微波;微波炉 vt. 用微波炉加热【单词】everywhere ['ev-ree-hwair, -wair]['evriweə] adv. 到处,处处;无论何处【单词】preferentially [pref-uh-'ren-shuhl][ˌprefə'renʃl] adj. 优先的;优待的;特惠的

If you have a supersaturated sugar solution, it wants to crystallize because it is too saturated but no one area preferentially wants to form that first seed crystal.【译】如果你有一个过饱和的糖溶液,它想结晶,因为它太饱和了,但是没有一个区域优先想要形成第一个种子晶体。【单词】crystallize ['kris-tl-ahyz]['krɪstəlaɪz] v. (使)结晶;(使)具体化【单词】saturated 原型:saturate ['sach-uh-reyt]['sætʃəreɪt] v. 使浸透;使充满;使饱和【单词】seed [seed][siːd] n. 种子【单词】crystal ['kris-tl]['krɪstl] n. 水晶;结晶体

You can help such a system by disturbing it and giving it that first area that is slightly different where the phase change can start.【译】你可以通过干扰这样一个系统,并给它一个第一个区域,这个区域与相变开始的地方略有不同。【单词】slightly [slahyt]['slaɪtli] adv. 些微地;稍微;瘦小地

After that, the disturbance spreads as bubbles form or sugar crystals form.【译】之后,扰动会随着气泡的形成或糖晶体的形成而扩散。【单词】disturbance [dih-'stur-buhns][dɪ'stɜːbəns] n. 扰乱;骚动【单词】spreads 原型:spread [spred][spred] v. 传播;展开;散布;铺开;伸展

Your water is ready to become steam, but it needs a little push to help it over the finish line.【译】你的水已经准备好变成蒸汽了,但是它需要一点推力来帮助它越过终点线。【短语】ready to do ... 准备好做...;例句:The shack seemed almost ready to collapse. 那小屋子好像是快要倒塌了。【单词】steam [steem][stiːm] n. 蒸汽;水汽【单词】push [poosh][pʊʃ] v. 推;按;挤;逼迫;催促


You can help either the most energetic water (closest to the stove) or all of the water if it is all ready (microwaved water) to become steam by giving it an easy place to start the change from.【译】你可以帮助最有活力的水(离炉子最近的地方)或者所有的水,如果它们都准备好了(微波炉里的水)变成蒸汽,你可以给它一个容易的地方开始改变。【单词】energetic [en-er-'jet-ik][ˌenə'dʒetɪk] adj. 精力旺盛的;有力的;能量的
