


评论翻译TyAwesome video , I moved to Australia from Africa , now in Brisbane best decision of my life , beautiful country, rich salaries and super safe !非常好的视频,我从非洲搬到了澳大利亚,现在住在布里斯班,这是我一生做出过的最好的决定,澳大利亚是一个美丽的国家,这里薪水很高,超级的安全。Paul FriSouth Africa?你是来自南非吗tilapia daveAnd we LOVE good people immigrating hwere ,, welcome. ALWAYS remember the day you become a citizen you are equally Australian as every other one of us.我们喜欢优秀的移民,欢迎你,请记住,从你成为澳大利亚公民的那一天起,你和我们所有其他人一样都是平等的澳大利亚人了Brad GroveJust because the nation as a whole is "rich", doesnt mean the people are... Australia is one of the most expensive places to live in the world. Living expenses has and continues to increase, whilst wages have not increase at all in over 10 years.澳大利亚虽然整体上很富裕,但这并不意味着人民也很富裕,澳大利亚是世界上生活成本最高的国家之一。澳大利亚的生活成本一直都在上升,但工资过去十年一直没有增加chalkandcheeseNothing's perfect.没有哪个国家是完美的Ferch BranNot that expensive in the country澳大利亚生活成本没有那么高J Lord@Ferch Bran the cost of living is higher than the US.澳大利亚生活成本要比美国高Jamo BlairInflation has been pretty bad abroad too. I just got back from overseas and can tell that you where I was in the US was more expensive for food than Brisbane. Beer and smokes were still much cheaper though lol海外的通货膨胀也很严重。我刚刚从海外回来,我可以告诉你,美国的食物要比布里斯班价格更贵,但啤酒和香烟仍然要便宜很多,哈哈FCWages in Australia are the higest in the world. Social security benefits and free healthcare in Australia is about the most generous in the world also. Other countries may have cheaper housing, however they have low wages and poor social security with very expensive healthcare澳大利亚的工资水平是世界上最高的。澳大利亚的社保福利和免费医疗是世界上最好的。其他国家的住房或许更加便宜,但他们的工资低,社会保障差,医疗费用非常昂贵。Gerry MIf you are willing to work heard, you can live the dream in Australia.. Only the lazy complain..如果你愿意工作,你可以在澳大利亚实现你的梦想,只有懒人才会抱怨。Sanctus Paulus 1962@FC Social Security and healthcare isn't "free". We pay for it through taxes. Also, wages in Australia are the highest in the world? Because it makes no difference if the wages for CEO's or engineers or doctors are the highest in the world if the working class are still struggling to get by. Most Australians aren't doctors and don't have a doctors wage to piss away $800,000 on a new house社保和医疗不是免费的。这些都是通过税收来支付的。而且澳大利亚的工资真的是世界上最高的吗?即便澳大利亚的CEO,工程师和医生的工资是世界上最高的,但如果工人阶级只能勉强糊口的话,那么工资再高又有什么意义。大部分的澳大利亚人不是医生,他们无法获得医生那么高的收入,可以随意挥霍购买价值80万美元的新房子。Josh SmithI think if you work hard here you should be living very well. I wouldn't be anywhere else我认为如果你在这里努力工作,是可以过的很好的。反正我是不会去其他任何地方的。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Kate J@Josh Smith depends on what kind of work you do... you can work hard & find it hard to make ends meet取决于你从事的是什么样的工作,就算你努力工作,一样难以做到收支平衡Josh Smith@Kate J I do kind of agree but people need to change jobs in this situation and retrain if necessary. Lots of well paid jobs go unfilled in Aus. Most people rather complain than find a solution.我部分同意你说的,但在这种情况下,人们需要去换一份工作,如果必要的话,可以再次参加培训。澳大利亚还有很多高薪岗位空缺,很多人宁愿抱怨也不去寻找解决方案。LJ NouataTry moving out of the main cities mate. city life is bad可以试着搬出大城市,城市生活真的很糟糕Fishfinger 69@Mr. Kai Australia is one of the highest taxed countries in the world.澳大利亚是世界上税率最高的国家之一。Lemon TEAI'm currently studying in melbourne right now and everything is expensive here but living here is very nice especially as a student in melbourne. It's very comfortable here if you have a stable income.我现在墨尔本学习,这里的一切都很贵,但这里的生活非常的好,尤其是作为墨尔本的一个学生,如果你有稳定的收入的话,可以在这里过的非常舒适The PainterBrad, live in the UK or Ireland. You will know how good Australia is then.你可以到英国或爱尔兰生活一段时间,到时候你就知道澳大利亚有多么好了Nanette AlegadoThe inflation is affecting average people, the high cost of living is painful now and we can slowly feel the sting now.通货膨胀正在影响普通人,高昂的生活成本让人非常痛苦,我们现在慢慢感到了阵阵刺痛。a rInflation is being felt, yes, but when compared to other countries at the moment it's still a fantastic place to live的确可以感受到澳大利亚的通货膨胀,但和其他国家相比,澳大利亚依然是一个非常适合生活的国家Marie MaierThe effect is just a tiny tiny taste compared what the rest of the world is going through.和世界其他地区相比,澳大利亚受到的影响微不足道Jamo BlairI just got back from the US, it's much worse over there.我刚刚从美国回来,那里的情况更加糟糕
