
原创翻译:龙腾网 ltaaa 翻译:达tothe洋 转载请注明出处




原创翻译:龙腾网 ltaaa 翻译:达tothe洋 转载请注明出处

As Pooped By Anakin Skywalker

I can't believe you left out Godzilla.



but Godzilla isn't a problem ,,Godzilla is the good guy ,, sure he may stomp on a few buildings but only when he has to take care of another monster ,, have you never watched a Godzilla movie




Carlos Ramon yep that’s what going on with my girlfriend in Japan.. well I don’t know the full details but she works more often ever since I first meet her... but I’m glad she’s still text or call me sometime.


Carlos Ramon

Japan, US, Canada, Europe. We all have the same problems. Funny thing about the declining birthrates problem is that the media has been telling us that overpopulation is a threat to the environment. But when developed countries stabilize or start leveling off the population, suddenly we need to import people from countries with explosive birthrates.



3. Young people are paid very little, because of their age, almost regardless of field and work. It's barely enough to support yourself in Tokyo. So a lot of men and women live with their parents until their 30's. ^The average pay for a young man is 210 000 - 250 000, rent is 100 000- - 300 000 yen. 14 000 yen National insurance fee, and 16 000 yen Nenkin (pensions scam) regardless of income tax.


4. Dating services are extremely pricey for men, but free for women, which has lead to a lot of women just using it for a quick buck or meal (yes a lot of men actually straight up give the woman 10 000 - 30 000 yen for going on a date). Men also throw a lot of money at girls at bars with money they don't really have.


5. Older people get away with certain behaviors, such as cutting in line, shoving people, and even shoving or slapping kids, unprovoked. This is because respect tends to only go one way, upwards in the social hierarchy.


Jiji Liketoeatdorayaki

Woman randomly promoted? Spread them leg and u got promoted hahaha



Sci-Fi Machines

Dude, I alread don′t like elder people in general, if I saw one slapping a child I could easily beat him


Black Reaper Amv

Thank you japan for hentai very cool


Nik Leiser

Dont worry Nobita, we have mostly the same problems in Germany! So we probably gonna die together


Robert Brtka

Unnessesery overworking in Japan kills people


Meanchu Ghatto

#10 just made me sad big time! Also it seems like most problems stated were family-related


Curt Christensen

1. Low birth rate

2. It's all an earthquake zone

3. Fruit is expensive

4. The 1980's are over

1,低出生率,2日本处于地震带 3,水果太贵 4,1980年的泡沫时代早已终结了。


Many countries have similar problems, aging population, low birth rates, children raised by a single parent, people having to work extra hours to make ends meet, both parents have to work, etc, etc. Japan is not the only one with these problems, still Japan is a lot better off then many other countries. Many of these problems can be resolved if people work together, don’t rely on the government to solve your problems.


Michael McKenzie

Another social problem is that work takes priority over the family so if you wanted to spend time with your family and then your boss calls you and says oh you need to work and you can't complain if you do complain then they just say がんばれ



THAT is a huge problem. Family means shit to bosses.



I think the biggest problem is the apathy of the younger generation. They don't value traditions like marriage and having children, they don't care about voting and making efforts to improve society, and I've also noticed most of them are extremely ignorant about anything going on outside of Japan, and have no interest whatsoever in learning about it. It's very disturbing. If they don't get their act together, Japan as we know it will be destroyed. And that would be a tragedy.



This is universal amongst all the younger generation across the world.



Mehedi Sojib

This guys name is Nobita from anime Doremon.LOL


Lonnie Christopher

....Look at the pace of life in Tokyo...impossible to raise a kid in that. It used to be people had farms and needed children to help with slow- paced farm work. Those days are long gone and children have become burdensome rather than helpful...That's reality




The Japanese youth seriously needs to consider their country's future and get into voting. Perhaps the government should introduce "mandatory voting". It works well in Australia and other countries

