Lesson 2: It's Getting Warmer!,我来为大家讲解一下关于冀教版八年级下英语第25课?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



Lesson 2: It's Getting Warmer!

What do you know about spring?

Which season is your favourite?

Dear Jenny.

Today is March 1. Spring has arrived in Shijiazhuang . The temperature was 10°C this

现在完成时:have/has done arrive in 大地点 arrive at 小地点


get to


arrive at/in

arrive at 小地点,arrive in 大地点



arrive/get 后接地点副词时,地点副词前不加任何介词。(home, here , there )

morning. This afternoon,it reached 15°C.It was quite warm and the air was fresh新鲜的. I need neither my heavy winter coat nor my boots now!

neither...nor 既不……也不 neither of : 两者都不… 复数名词

Neither his parents nor he was at home. 就近一致原则



both...and... 两者都….连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词用复数形式





not only...but also...




Neither he nor I am well-educated. 他和我都没受过良好教育。

Both you and he are wrong. 你和他都错了。

Not only you but also I am wrong. 不仅你错了,而且我也错了。

Either you or he is wrong. 不是你错就是他错了。

On my way to school this morning. I saw(see 的过去式) some winter jasmine

see sb. do 看见某人做… see sb. doing 看见某人正在做….

blossoming Here. people believe the blossom of this flower always tells the coming of spring, so we call winter jasmine "the welcoming-spring flower".(迎春花)

The days are getting longer and the sun rises earlier in the morning. The warm sunshine

get 形容词原级/形容词比较级

feels good after the cold winter days. Every morning. I see lots of people exercising in the park. Some practice Tai Chi. Others sing and dance Children run around or play on the swings. practice: 练习 名词、代词或动词的-ing (doing) 作宾语

others = other 复数 one….the other…. 一个…另一个…

We will have a school basketball game next week. My class is also planning a field trip

also :也 肯定句 句中 too 句尾 either : 否定句中,句尾

to the countryside. We will plant trees, enjoy the beautiful flowers and play games. Wow! I can't wait. enjoy:v. 喜爱;享受……的乐趣 名词/反身代词/动名词

What's the weather like in Canada? What do you like to do in spring?

Wang Mei

Learning Tip

How do you pronounce "10°C"? That's "ten degrees Celsius" or “ten degrees centigrade"
