


1. Address演讲、讲话

Depending on whom you are addressing, the problems will be different.


This rule is meant to address the difficulty that students from poor homes might have in completing their homework.

2. Air 公开表达观点或者不平装腔作势,摆架子

Some long-standing grievances were aired.

an unpretentious musician with no air

3. Average平均为普通的

if oil prices averaged $22 a barrel for a full year

Today the messages the average Westerner is surrounded with are not religious but commercial and forever happy.

4. Dynamic互动的

we can’t yet give a robot enough ‘common sense’ to reliably interact with a dynamic world.

5. Edge 有优势的

Competitive edge cutting-edge technology.

6. Exercise行使

You can exercise the right to remain silent. Anything you Say will be used against you in the court of law.

7. feed


1. 放弃 abandon, desert, leave, discard, give up

2. 压缩,缩写abbreviate, compress, condense, shorten

3. 遵守abide, comply, follow, obey

4. 能力ability, capacity, capability, genius, talent,faculty, gift,able, capable, qualified

6. 不规律abnormal, irregular, unusual

7. 废除abolish, cancel, delete, eliminate, terminate, doawaywith

8. 吸收absorb, fascinate, attract

9. 荒谬的absurd, foolish, ridiculous

10. 充足的abundant, plentiful, rich, adequate enough sufficient

11. 滥用abuse, curse, insult

12. 接受,采纳accept, admit adopt

13. 途径access, approach

14. 事故accident, incident, event, occurrence, happening

15. 欢呼acclaim, applaud, cheer, clap

17. 陪伴accompany, follow, escort, go with

18. 完成accomplish, achieve, finish, complete,fullfill

20. 结果accordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore,thus

22. 积累accumulate,assemble, collect, gather, heap, pile

23. 精确accurate, exact, precise, correct

24. 控诉accuse, charge, condemn, prosecute

27. 承认acknowledge, accept, admit,confess, recognize

29. 获得acquire, obtain, gain, get, win, earn, secure,attain

30. 行动,行为act, action, deed, operation, performance behavior

31. 活跃的active, energetic, vigorous

33. 真的actual, positive, real, true

34. 额外的additional, extra, supplementary

35. 演讲,讲话address, speech, lecture, report, talk

37. 改变alter, modify, change, shift, transform, switch, ajust, revise, vary

38. 管理administer, control, govern, manage, rule,supervise

39. 崇拜admire, adore, appreciate, worship, honour,respect,

40. 成人adult, grown-up, mature

42. 有点advantage, benefit, interest, favor, profit, gain

43. 建议advice, opinion, suggestion, propose,recommendation, view

48. 害怕afraid, fearful, awful, dreadful, frightful,terrible, horrible, terrific, appalling, timid, scared

52. 痛苦agony, anguish, pain, suffering, grief, misery,distress, sorrow

54. 恐慌alarm, fright, horror, panic, terror, dread,startle, terrify, scare, intimidate

56. 相似alike, similar, identical, assimilating

58. 常常always, often, usually, frequently, repeatedly,regularly

61. 祖先ancestor, forefather, predecessor

62. 痛苦anger, indignation, temper, rage, fury, outrage,grievance ,irritated, annoy

64. 焦虑anxiety,worry, care, concern, upset, depressed,

65. 设备apparatus, instrument, device,equipment, tool, implement, appliance

66. 明显的apparent, evident, obvious, clear, distinct, plain,conspicuous

67. 出现appear, emerge, turn up, come into being, loom

68. 应用application, usage, utilize, employ, take advantage of

69. 合适的appropriate, fit, proper, suitable

70. 争论argue,debate, dispute, quarrel, discuss, reason, controversy

72. 抓住arrest, capture, catch, seize,trap

73. 假的,人造的artificial, false, synthetic, man-made, fake, unnatural

75. 屈辱,丢人的ashamed, shameful, humiliated

79. 同伴companion, company, colleague, fellow,partner

80. 认为assume, deem,hold, deduce, suppose, presume

86. 律师attorney, lawyer

88. 增加augment, expand, increase, surge,soar, go up, rocket, sky-rocket

89. 自治autonomous, independent, self-governing

90. 可利用的available, accessible

100. 重要的essential, fundamental, radical, vital, significant,crucial, critical, important, significant

104. 开始begin, commence, start, initiate, launch



1.belief,faith, confidence, conviction, credit, trust信任,信念

2.below,beneath, under, underneath, down在...之下

3.beneficial,advantageous, profitable, favorable有益的

4.besides, but,except for, 除了...

5.bewilder, confuse, embarrass,puzzle, perplex迷惑

6.biased, partial, prejudiced偏见的

7.bind, tie,fasten系紧

8.bit, piece,sheet, slice, fragment, scrap一片

9.blame, accuse, condemn, reproach, scold, denounce责备

10.blank, empty,vacant空

11.block, bar,hinder, obstruct, prevent, hamper阻碍

12.blunder,mistake, error, slip, fault错误

13.bold, brave, courageous, daring, heroic, fearless,agressive勇敢的

14.boring,tedious, tiresome无聊的

15.bother, disturb, trouble, annoy, irritate打扰

16.boundary,border, frontier边界

17.break, burst, crack, crush, fracture, smash,destroy, ruin, wreck, damage, spoil破坏

18.bright,brilliant,clever, wise, intelligent, ingenious, smart, shrewd聪明的

19.brittle, fragile, vulnerable, feeble, weak, be susceptible to, besubject to脆弱的

20.bruise, hurt,injury, wound, injure, impair受伤

21.build,construct, found, erect, establish, fabricate建立

22.bump, clash,collide, conflict冲突

23.busy,engaged, occupied忙碌的

24.but, however, , yet, nevertheless, while, whereas然而

25.calculate, compute, count, estimate计算

26.foster, nurture, cultivate培养

27.careful,cautious, attentive, prudent谨慎的

28.carry,convey, transfer, transport运输

29.catch, seize,grasp, grip, capture, hold抓住

30.cause, bring about, give rise to, evoke,lead to, result in导致

31.cease, pause,stop, halt, quit停止

32.change, alter,modify, remold, reshape, vary, convert, transform改变

33.chaos,disorder, confusion混乱

34.characteristic,feature, mark, trait特点

35.charge, cost, expense, expenditure, fare, fee,price费用

36.chase, pursue,seek追求

37.cheat,deceive, trick, fool欺骗

38.cheerful,glad, happy, joyful开心的

39.chief, principal, main, major, leading, foremost,primary主要的

40.choice,alternative, option, selection, election选择

41.circumstance,context, situation情况

42.cite, quote引用

43.citizen, civilian, inhabitant, resident市民,居民


45.embrace, include, encompass包含


47.clothes,clothing, coat, dress, garment, robe, gown, uniform, costume, suit衣服



50.connect, join, link, acquire, merger,consolidation, concentration, integration, combination合并

51.come from, result from, arise, stem from, derive from来自于

52.comfort, console, ease,relieve, relaxation, relief, rest缓解,放松

53.command, order, direction, instruction说明,指挥

54. traffic, transportation交通

55.company, corporation, firm, enterprise公司

56.persistent, consistent, insistent坚持

57.limit,restrict, confine, scale back, curb, constrict constrain, hinder限制

58.compete, contend,contest, rival竞争

59.complex, complicated, sophisticated, intricate复杂的

60.component,constituent, element, ingredient组成部分,构成元素



63.condense,compress, contract, shrink压缩

64.conquer, overcome, overthrow,defeat征服

65.consequence,result, outcome结果



68.contradict,deny, oppose, refute拒绝,反对

69.conventional, traditional传统的

70.induce, attract, tempt, lure, appeal吸引

71.copy,duplicate, imitate复制,模仿

72.count on, depend on, rely on依赖

73.crazy,insane, mad, mental疯狂的

74.creative,original, imaginative, innovative创造的,创新的

75.crime, sin, guilt, offence, violation罪

76.crop,harvest, yield产出

77.cruel, brutal, inhuman, savage, fierce, ruthless残忍的

78. danger, hazard, risk, adventure, menace, threat危险


