东方作业 人教新起点Revision2复习二,我来为大家讲解一下关于新起点英语一年上?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



东方作业 人教新起点


【Let's play.】一起学句型

Do you like ...?

What color is it?

How many… are there?

【Look, listen and point.】看一看,听一听,指一指

Do you like oranges? 你喜欢橘子吗?

Yes, I do. 喜欢。

Do you like bananas? 你喜欢香蕉吗?

No, I don't.不喜欢。

Do you like apples? 你喜欢苹果吗?

Yes, I do. 喜欢。

Do you like pears? 你喜欢梨吗?

No, I don't. 不喜欢。

What colour is it? 这是什么颜色?

It's red. 红色。

What colour is it? 这是什么颜色?

It's black. 黑色。

What colour is it? 这是什么颜色?

It's blue. 蓝色。

What colour is it? 这是什么颜色?

It's yellow. 黄色。

What colour is it? 这是什么颜色?

It's green. 绿色。

How many bananas are there? 那里有多少只香蕉?

Ten. 十只。

How many tigers are there? 那里有多少只老虎?

Two. 两只。

How many birds are there? 那里有多少只小鸟?

Five. 五只。

How many dogs are there? 那里有多少条狗?

One. 一条。

How many apples are there? 那里有多少个苹果?

Nine. 九个。


1.上午好good morning

2.下午好good afternoon

3.晚上好good evening

4.晚安 good night

5.见到你很高兴Nice to meet you

6.你好吗?How are you?

7.我很好谢谢你I am fine, thank you!

8.真漂亮!How beautiful

9.你叫什么名字?What's your name?

10.我叫···.I am··

11.上课class begin

12.起立stand up

13.请坐 sit down, please

14.过来come here

15.How old are you?你多大年龄了?


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