国家主席12月19日晚出席澳门特别行政区政府欢迎晚宴并发表重要讲话。指出,回归祖国以来的20年,是澳门历史上经济发展最快、民生改善最大的时期,也是澳门同胞共享伟大祖国尊严和荣耀感最强的时期。Macao's economy registered the fastest growth and livelihoods witnessed the biggest improvement over the past two decades, President Xi Jinping said at a welcoming banquet hosted by the Macao SAR government. "The past 20 years are also a period that saw Macao compatriots share dignity of the great motherland and enjoy the greatest sense of glory," said Xi.







The Macao practice of "one country, two systems" has new commendable aspects: "Loving the motherland and loving Macao" becoming a core value of the whole community, the authority of the Constitution and the Basic Law being firmly upheld, the executive-led system functioning smoothly, Macao actively integrating itself into the national development, and social inclusiveness and harmony creating great power to unite the people of Macao.



Macao compatriots have a tradition of patriotism, as well as a strong sense of national identity, belonging and national pride, which is the most important reason for Macao's success in the "one country, two systems" practice.



具有澳门特色的“一国两制”实践the practice of "one country, two systems" with Macao characteristics

澳人治澳the people of Macao governing Macao

