Word of the Day:May 25, 2022benevolent,我来为大家讲解一下关于嘉士伯价值观?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



Word of the Day:May 25, 2022



adjective /buh-NEV-uh-lunt/ [bəˈnevələnt]

What It Means

Benevolent means "kind and generous," or less commonly, "organized for the purpose of doing good."

Benevolent 意思是“善良的、慷慨的”,及不太常见的意思“组织行善”。


"I want to thank the benevolent stranger who found my keys and reunited me with them after seven months." — Curt Vazquez, letter in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 16 May 2022


The event's reception was courtesy of a benevolent anonymous donor.


Did You Know?

One who is benevolent genuinely wishes other people well, a meaning reflected clearly in the word's Latin roots: benevolent comes from bene, meaning "good," and velle, meaning "to wish." Other descendants of velle in English include volition, which refers to the power to make one's own choices or decisions, and voluntary, as well as the rare velleity, meaning either "the lowest degree of volition" or "a slight wish or tendency." A more familiar velle descendant stands directly opposed to benevolent: malevolent describes someone or something having or showing a desire to cause harm to another person.

一位仁慈的人会真诚地祝福他人,从该含义可以看出该词 benevolent 来自的拉丁词根 bene,(意思是“好”)及velle(意思是“to wish「希望」”)。 英语中 velle 的其他后代包括volition「意志」(指的是自己做出选择或个人决定的权力);voluntary「自愿」,以及很少见的 velleity(意思是“the lowest degree of volition「最低程度的意志」”或“a slight wish or tendency「渺小的愿望或略微的倾向」”)。 还有一个更熟悉的 velle 后裔与benevolent相反:malevolent指某人或某物表现出伤害他人的愿望。

Word Family Quiz

What 6-letter adjective is derived from Latin bene and describes things that are harmless or people who are gracious?

由6个字母组成的形容词源自拉丁文 bene,描述无害的事物或仁慈的人?benign
