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objective n.目标,目的;a.客观的;无偏见的

Object objection objectiveness 客观性

profitability n.赚钱,获得

profitability index 盈利指标 ; 获利指数 ;

Profitability management 盈利能力管理

Profitability forecast利润预测

profitable ['prɔfitəbl]adj.有益的;有用的;有利可图的;有赢利的,可获利的

profitless profiteer

trade-off n.(对不能同时兼顾的因素)权衡;物物交换

同 exchange , convention. 交换,交易;权衡;协定

trade-off analysis 权衡分析 ; 取舍分析 ;

speechless a.不会说话的;不说话的

Words speechless 一言难尽

really speechless 真的无语 ; 真是无语了

Speechless within 心中无言

candidate n.候选人,候补者;应试者

Job candidate

interviewer n.接见者;面谈者


Trainer/trainee; employer/employee; escapee//standee/divorcee

community n.社区;共同体;群落

Scientific community 科学界 ;

business community 商业界 ;

Land community

Forestry community

unintended a.非计划中的,非故意的

unintended pregnancy 意外怀孕

.the unintended consequences of human action.


ongoing a.进行中的,前进的

What do you think about this ongoing controversy?


to make a guess at 猜测

Decision makers should be able to make a best guess at what the future will be.


in part 部分地,在某种程度上

However, almost all of these are owned at least in part by the government and benefit from protective barriers in their home market.


indifference n.冷漠;不感兴趣(to)


vague a.含糊的;不明确的

vague plans 不明确的计划

vague excuse 模糊的借口

One must not be vague on matters of principle.


skilled a.熟练的;有技能的

skilled worker 技术工人 ;

Skilled work 慢工出细活 ;

skilled manpower 熟练技工 ; 技能人才

skilled talents 技能型人才 ; 技能人才 ; 科技人才

and the like 等等,诸如此类

Politicians, salesmen and the like often use marketing techniques, deception and such to gain influence over their audience into order to manipulate them.


prospect n.展望,景象;[常pl.]前景,前程


spectacle [spect看,-acle名词后缀,表示物;’观看的东西”] 光景,景象,奇观,壮观

prospective [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 盼望中的,未来的

retrospect [retro-向后,spect看;’向后看”] 回顾,追溯

retrospection [见上,-ion名词后缀] 回顾,追溯

retrospective [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 回顾的,追溯的

inspect [in-内,里,spect看;’向里面仔细看”] 审查

inspection [见上,-ion名词后缀] 检查,审查

inspector [见上,-or表示人] 检查员

expect [ex-外,(在x后省略s)pect=spect看;’向外望”] 盼望,期待,期望

expectation [见上,-ation名词后缀] 盼望,期待,期望

respect [re-再,重复,spect看;’再看”,’重复地看”→重视,看重] 尊重,尊敬

respectable [见上,-able形容词后缀,可…的] 可敬的,值得尊敬的

respectful [见上,-ful形容词后缀,…的] 尊敬人的,恭敬的

suspect [sus-=sub-下,(s)pect看;’由下看”→偷偷地看,斜眼看] 怀疑,猜疑,疑心

suspicious [见spect→spic,-ious形容词后缀,…的] 多疑的,可疑的,疑心的

suspicion [见上,-ion名词后缀] 怀疑,疑心,猜疑

spectate [spect看,-ate动词后缀] 出席观看

spectator [spect看,-ator表示人] 旁观者,观众

conspicuous [con-共同,spic(-spect)看,-uous形容词后缀,…的;’共同看见的”→大家都能看见的,有目共睹,惹人注目的

perspective [per-透过,spect看] 透视,透视的,透视图,透镜

clarification n.澄清,阐明

clarify vt. 澄清;阐明

criticism n.批评;评论

critical adj. 鉴定的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的

critically adv.危急地;批评性地;用钻研眼光地

critic n.批评家,评论家;爱挑剔的人

critique 批评;评论文章

criticize vt.批评;评论;非难

notion n.概念;想法,看法


personality n.个性;人格;品格

healthy personality 健康人格;健全人格

personality development 人格发展,个性发展

independent personality 独立人格

personality trait 人格特质,个性品质

personality disorder 人格障碍;人格失常
