答案在The Economist July 9th 2022 Business “Bartleby How to read corporate culture --- Outsiders have more ways to understand what firms are really like”这篇文章第二段可以找到。


The Economist July 9th 2022 Business




quotidian adj 平常的,日常的,普通的

同义词:regular, ordinary, routine, everyday


Network has become part of our quotidian existence.




Culture eats strategy for breakfast, runs the aphorism. It also projectile vomits employees who don’t fit in. In a survey conducted earlier this year by Flexjobs, an employment site, culture was the most common reason people gave for quitting. And it matters more than high wages. A study published last year by Jason Sockin of the University of Pennsylvania found that workers rated things like respectfulness, work-life balance and morale as more important to job satisfaction than pay.

格言检验了“文化能把战略当早餐吃”。它还会让不适应企业文化的员工吐槽。在今年早些时候由就业网站Flexjobs进行的一项调查发现,人们给出最常见的辞职原因是文化,文化比高工资更重要。宾夕法尼亚大学的杰森·索金(Jason Sockin)去年发表的一项研究发现,对于工作满意度而言,员工认为尊重、工作生活平衡和士气比工资更重要。

The problem is that culture can be very hard to fathom from the outside. It resides in quotidian interactions between colleagues and in the hidden threads that bind decisions on everything from promotions to product development. You need to be inside an organisation to really understand it. But more sunlight is getting in. Firms are doing more to signal what they stand for. Jobseekers have new ways to peer inside firms. So do investors, who share their interest in evaluating corporate culture.


