《Mummy Pig's Birthday》

Today is Mummy Pig's birthday. Daddy Pig has made Mummy Pig breakfast in bed. Happy birthday, Mummy Pig! Peppa and George have made Mummy Pig a birthday card. Happy birthday, Mummy! Oh, What a Lovely birthday surprise! And there are more surprises to come! Enjoy your birthday breakfast! Take your time!Mmm! Yummy!


​​Quick! We have to get everything else ready! Daddy Pig has made a birthday cake for Mummy Pig. We've just got to put the candles on! One...Two.... Here I come! Mummy Pig has finished her birthday breakfast. Mummy's coming! We're not ready yet. Errr. Who is it? It's Mummy. Can I come in? No!(2) Is there something secret going on? Errr, no. Nothing's going on. But you can't Come in. I see. Mummy Pig, why don't you relax in the sitting room? That sounds nice! Well, it is your birthday! Ok, Peppa, I Think I know Where the sitting room is! Here's a nice magazine. Thank you, Peppa.(为了给猪妈妈惊喜,终于支开了猪妈妈o(≧v≦)o) And here's some Pretty music.(Peppa突然这么懂事乖巧,反而不太习惯了呢)Thankyou, Peppa. ​







Wow!Really old!You know, I Think three candles will be fine. Mummy Pig's birthday cake is ready!(所以这与刚才没准备好的蛋糕就多了一根蜡烛)Hurray! ​​


We just have to put up the decorations in the sitting room. Hello, Mummy! Ah, there you all are! I was getting a little bored! Mummy, would you like to have a nice walk in the garden? Do I have any choice? Nope...Byebye, Mummy! Have a lovely walk! We'll call you When it's safe to Come back in.(又把Mummy Pig支开了Peppa这粗暴的关门,Mummy Pig孤身站在门外,莫名凄凉(๑Ő௰Ő๑))I'd forgotten What hard Work birthdays were!




​​​Daddy Pig, Peppa and George are decorating the sitting room.(论打气筒的重要性)This is fun! Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig have arrived for Mummy Pig's birthday. Happy birthday, Mummy Pig! Aren't you coming inside? Oh, i can't Come in yet. Daddy Pig, Peppa and George are doing secret things for My birthday. How lovely, see you later!Bye! ​ ​ Mummy! Would you like to Come inside, now?


I'd love to! Close your eyes! Keep your eyes closed, Mummy! One..Two...Three...Open your eyes! Happy birthday, Mummy Pig! What a lovely surprise!


Blow the candles out and make a wish! Mummy!(2)Open your present! Can you guess What it is? I've no idea. Open it and see. It's a beautiful dress! You're beautiful, Mummy!(穿两层裙子是什么感受)Now you just need somewhere nice to wear it. What's this? Two tickets to the theater! Tonight! Thank you! Mummy Pig loves going to the theater. And Granny Pig and I are going to baby-sit the little ones! Hurray! ​​​


What a super birthday! I'm the luckiest Mummy in the whole world! And the Most beautiful!(Daddy Pig这深情告白猝不及防) ​



