




-All life is a game of luck.


-A real man makes his own luck, Archie. Right, Dawson.

一个真正的男人会自己创造运气 阿尔奇 对吧 道森先生



To make one's own luck means to rely on one's skill, ability, and perseverance to capitalize on opportunity, rather than relying solely on luck itself.

to make one's own luck表示 依靠能力 技能 坚持 去最大化利用机会发挥自己的价值 而不是仅仅靠运气本身

-She's a successful business woman who's made her own luck.

-她靠她自己的努力与坚持 成为了一个成功的商务人士


-And you find that sort of rootless existence appealing, do you?

你认为这种居无定所的生活对你来说很有吸引力 是吗



Literally, roots are the part of a plant that grows underground.

从字面意思上看 roots表示"根"是植物长在地下的那部分

Figuratively speaking, a person's roots are his home, work, relationships, etc.

更形象来说 一个人的"根"就是指他的家 工作 感情等

We can use the phrase to put down roots, which means to do the things necessary for a stable life (getting married, buying a house, having children...).

我们可以用这个短语 to put down roots 表示"扎根" 为了过更稳定的生活(比如结婚 买房 生小孩等)

But Jack's life is different as he doesn't seem to have (nor want) a place to call home, so that's why the woman says he has a rootless existence.

但杰克似乎没有一个可以称为"家"的地方 所以刚刚那个女的说他"居无定所"

Of course, she's being very rude here.

当然 她这样说别人是极度不礼貌的

appealing means pleasing or attractive, having qualities that people like.

appealing表示"吸引人的" 是一种好品质

If you find something appealing or something is appealing to you, it means that you like that thing.

find something appealing或appealing to you 表示"某人或某物吸引你了"

-Her singing is very appealing to me.


-I find her singing very appealing.



-Yes, ma'am, I do. I mean, I've got everything I need right here with me. I got air in my lungs and a few blank sheets of paper.

是的 女士 我是说 我现在得到了我所需要的一切 我得到了氧气 还有几张白纸



Jack is saying here his needs to be happy are very simple: He just needs oxygen and paper to draw (as he is an artist)

杰克这里的意思是 他想要的幸福很简单 他只需要氧气供他呼吸 和可以给他画画的纸(因为他是个画家)


-Jack I want you to draw me like one of your French girls. Wearing this.

杰克 我想要你为我画一幅画 戴上这个("海洋之心"项链)


-Wearing only this.

我的意思是 只戴这个


-I love waking up in the morning not knowing what's gonna happen or...who I'm gonna meet...or where I'm gonna wind up.

我喜欢早晨醒来 一切未知的感觉 我不知道我会遇见谁 不知道该去哪里



Wind up means to arrive or end up in a specified state, situation, or place without planning it.

wind up表示 毫无计划的前往某地

The past form of this phrasal verb is wound up.

wind up的过去式是wound up



