Lesson 29: A Door to the World

第29课 通向世界的一扇门

1 Open the Door to the World.


1.1a/the door to...通往……之门。

2All over the world, many people are learning English.


2.1all over the world=around the world遍布全世界。

2.2all over 遍及。

3Learning a new language takes time.学习一门新语言耗费时间。

3.1Learning a new language takes time.=It takes time to learn a new language.

3.2Learning a new language.动名词短语作主语。

4 It can be a challenge,but the new language can give them more opportunities.它可能是一个挑战,但是新语言能给人们更多的机会。

4.1give sb. a opportunity.给某人一个机会。


take/have the opportunity to do sth.=take/have the opportunity of doing sth.抓住,有做某事的规律。


5With a good knowledge of a new language, you can enjoy a better life.通晓一门新的语言,你可以享受更好的生活。

5.1With a good knowledge of a new language.介词短语作状语。

5.2 a good knowledge of 通晓,熟知。

5.3have a good knowledge of 对……通晓、熟知。

5.4enjoy a life 享受生活。

enjoy a better life更好地享受生活

6 People from many countries speak English.来自许多国家的人都说英语。

6.1from many countries介词短语作定语。

7 With English ,you can travel almost anywhere.有了英语,你几乎可以游览什何地方。

7.1With English.中的介词with意为具有;用;有;带有;使用;



8You can communicate with different people and learn new things.你可以与不同的人交流,学习新东西。


communicate with sb.与某人交流。


have communication with sb.与某人有联系。


9You can order food and drinks at restaurants,and ask for directions.你可以在餐馆点食物和饮料,你可以问路。



9.3ask for寻求帮助,要求得到。

ask for directions问路。

ask for help求助。

ask sb. for sth .向某人要某物。

10As an international language ,English connects you with the rest of the world.



10.2an international language一门国际语言。


10.4the rest of其余的。①如果the rest指代的或者形容的物体是复数,


例如:Two thirds of the students will go home during the summer vacation and the rest are going to travel.


②如果the rest 指代的或者形容的物体是单数或者不可数名词,那么后面的谓语就应该使用三人称单数形式。

Most water was sent to wash the car and the rest was used to drink.


11 Learning English can also help you understand differences between cultures.学习英语也可以帮助你理解文化差异。

11.1help sb. do sth.=help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事。

11.2differences between cultures.文化差异。

12 In many ways ,English opens a door to the world for you.在很多方面,英语为你打开通往世界之门。

12.1 in many ways在很多方面。

in some ways在某些方面。

in different ways在不同的方面

12.2open a door to... 打开通往……之门。

12.3in a way 在某种程度上。

in the way 挡道,妨碍。

in this way 用这种方法。

in another way用另一种方法。


13 article名词,文章;(报刊上的)论文;报道;(协议、契约的)条款;物件(尤指整套中的一件);冠词。

14Opening a door means having opportunities,learning something new or having more choices in English.在英语中,“打开门”意味着有机会,意味着学习新事物或者有更多的选择。

12.1mean doing sth.意味着干某事。

mean doing sth. 的意思是“意味着(必须要做某事或导致某种结果)”,其主语通常是指事物的词。例如:

Being a student means studying hard. 作为一个学生,(意味着)你要努力学习。

Success means working hard. 成功意味着工作努力。

12.2have a opportunity有一个机会。

have opportunities有一些机会。

12.3learning something new中new修饰something,作后置定语。

12.4have a choice有一个选择。

have more choice有更多的选择。


13Li Ming: I love reading English articles. With a good knowledge of English, I can understand differences between cultures around the world.


Gao Baoli: English is a big challenge for me. I don't really

want to learn it.


Wang Mei: Learning a foreign language takes time, but

the new language can give us new opportunities.


13.1love doing sth.

13.2with a good knowledge of English精通英语

13.3around the world.全世界。

13.4be a challenge for sb.对某人来说是一个挑战。

13.5take time.花时间。

13.6give sb. new opportunities.给某人新的机会。

14I got lost my way to the bookstore. So I went to a policeman and ask for help.


14.1get lost one's way to sp.去某地迷路。

14.2ask for help.寻求帮助

15She has a good knowledge of Chinese history.她通晓中国历史。

15.1have a good knowledge of sth.精通……,通晓……

16With a good education,we can make a better life.有好的教育,我们可以创造更好的生活。

16.1make a life创造生活,让生活更精彩。

make a living 是维持生活; 赚钱谋生、 勉强度日的意思。

