vain xinchi外语vain英 [veɪn] 美 [veɪn] ,我来为大家讲解一下关于承诺短语的英文翻译 英语说文解字vain虚荣的?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!

承诺短语的英文翻译 英语说文解字vain虚荣的

承诺短语的英文翻译 英语说文解字vain虚荣的

vain xinchi外语

vain英 [veɪn] 美 [veɪn]

adj. 虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的



... unnecessary a.不必要的,无用的,无益的 vain a.徒劳的;自负的,爱虚荣的 valid a.有确实根据的,有效的,正当的,正确的 ...


in vain 徒劳 ; 无益地 ; 无效 ; 空费力

all in vain 白费事 ; 努力和希望完全落空

Vain Longing 枉凝眉

Live in vain 白活 ; 能搏不搏算白活

Love in Vain 枉凝眉 ; 徒劳的爱 ; 没用的爱 ; 白费的爱

labour in vain 无效劳动 ; 劳动白费 ; 在徒劳劳工 ; 劳工徒劳

lost in vain 却徒劳地迷失了

Vain Watch 中国人设计的无屏腕表 ; 非常奇特的无屏腕表 ; 国人设计之无屏腕表


vain /veɪn/ CET4 TEM4 ( vainer, vainest )

1. ADJ A vain attempt or action is one that fails to achieve what was intended. 徒劳的 [ADJ n]

例:The drafting committee worked through the night in a vain attempt to finish on schedule.


2. vainly ADV 徒劳地 [ADV with v]

例:He hunted vainly through his pockets for a piece of paper.


3. ADJ If you describe a hope that something will happen as a vain hope, you mean that there is no chance of it happening. 徒然的 [ADJ n]

例:He married his fourth wife, Susan, in the vain hope that she would improve his health.


4. vainly ADV 徒然地 [ADV with v]

例:He then set out for Virginia for what he vainly hoped would be a peaceful retirement.


5. ADJ If you describe someone as vain, you are critical of their extreme pride in their own beauty, intelligence, or other good qualities. 自负的 [表不满]

例:He wasn't so vain as to think he was smarter than his boss.


6. PHRASE If you do something in vain, you do not succeed in achieving what you intend. 徒然

例:He stopped at the door, waiting in vain for her to acknowledge his presence.


7. PHRASE If you say that something such as someone's death, suffering, or effort was in vain, you mean that it was useless because it did not achieve anything. 无意义的

例:He wants the world to know his son did not die in vain.



in vain 徒然;无效

vain glory 虚荣


He was vain and bombastic.


He was self-important, vain and ignorant.


