





图1. 微创术前腰椎MRI矢状面T2相,提示腰5骶1椎间盘突出,腰4-骶1椎体对应平面后方软组织结构紊乱,应该是以前做过手术。


图2. 微创术前腰椎MRI矢状面T2相,提示腰5骶1椎间盘突出,腰5-骶1椎管内后方软组织结构紊乱,应该是以前做过手术。


图3. 微创术前腰椎MRI横截面,提示腰5骶1椎间盘突出,右旁侧型,较大。右侧椎板似乎有缺损,应该是原来做过手术,减压所致的骨缺损。


图4. 微创术前腰椎MRI横截面,提示腰5骶1椎间盘突出,右旁侧型。


图5. 微创术前腰椎CT定位片,因为没有获取到患者的腰椎正侧位X线片,所以,用此片判断腰椎无峡部裂,无滑脱,无移位,无骨折等。


图6. 微创术前腰椎CT横截面扫描,提示腰5骶1椎间盘突出并骨化,且有曾经做过手术的痕迹。右侧椎板与棘突间的骨缺损以及骨化椎间盘间的骨缺损影。



图7. 手术记录


定位L5/S1椎间隙:皮肤穿刺点选择在L5、S1棘突右侧旁开0.5cm处, 利多卡因20ml、罗哌卡因10ml 生理盐水50ml稀释至低浓度局麻液体。常规消毒后,体表标记处穿刺点周围皮肤及皮下注射上述低浓度局麻液体20ml,注射过程中患者感疼痛明显,遂于深筋膜层再次给予上述局麻液体20ml后患者痛感仍明显,逐层穿刺瘢痕组织至椎板外触及骨质后局部注射上述局麻液体10ml 止血药物(氨甲环酸注射液0.25g 生理盐水5ml)。继续穿刺突破L5椎板下缘黄韧带后,正侧位透视确定位置满意,并回抽确认无误后,注入椎管内上述局麻液体15ml。

这句话:“继续穿刺突破L5椎板下缘黄韧带后,正侧位透视确定位置满意,并回抽确认无误后,注入椎管内上述局麻液体15ml”, 感觉直接来了个开放硬膜外麻醉,把15ml罗哌卡因和氨甲环酸直接注入椎管内。


说实话, 术后和术中恶性高热,我是听说过,自己还没遇到过。我记得我们关节组,好像曾经遇到过一例术中恶性高热的,最后抢救过来了。



恶性高热(Malignant Hyperthermia,MH)是所知的唯一可由常规麻醉用药引起围手术期死亡的遗传性疾病。它是一种亚临床肌肉病,即患者平时无异常表现,在全麻过程中接触挥发性吸入麻醉药(如氟烷、安氟醚、异氟醚等)和去极化肌松药(琥珀酰胆碱)后出现骨骼肌强直性收缩,产生大量能量,导致体温持续快速增高,在没有特异性治疗药物的情况下,一般的临床降温措施难以控制体温的增高,最终可导致患者死亡。(https://baike.baidu.com/item/恶性高热/964737?fr=aladdin)


Malignant Hyperthermia Susceptibility.

Henry Rosenberg, Nyamkhishig Sambuughin, Sheila Riazi, Robert Dirksen, Margaret PAdam, Holly H Ardinger, Roberta A Pagon, Stephanie E Wallace, Lora JH Bean, Ghayda Mirzaa, Anne Amemiya, editors. In: GeneReviews® [Internet]. Seattle(WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993–2021. 2003 Dec 19 [updated 2020Jan 16].

Clinical characteristics: Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility (MHS) is a pharmacogenetic disorder of skeletal muscle calcium regulation associated with uncontrolled skeletal muscle hypermetabolism. Manifestations of malignant hyperthermia (MH) are precipitated by certain volatile anesthetics (i.e.,halothane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, desflurane, enflurane), either alone or in conjunction with a depolarizing muscle relaxant (specifically, succinylcholine). The triggering substances cause uncontrolled release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and may promote entry of extracellular calcium into the myoplasm, causing contracture of skeletal muscles, glycogenolysis, and increased cellular metabolism, resulting in production of heat and excess lactate. Affected individuals experience acidosis, hypercapnia, tachycardia, hyperthermia, muscle rigidity, compartment syndrome, rhabdomyolysis with subsequent increase in serum creatine kinase (CK) concentration, hyperkalemia with a risk for cardiac arrhythmia or even cardiac arrest, and myoglobinuria with a risk for renal failure. In nearly all cases, the first manifestations of MH (tachycardia and tachypnea) occur in the operating room; however, MH may also occur in the early postoperative period. There is mounting evidence that some individuals with MHS will also develop MH with exercise and/or on exposure to hot environments. Without proper and prompt treatment with dantrolene sodium, mortality is extremely high.


临床特征:恶性高热易感性(Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility, MHS)是一种骨骼肌钙调节的药物遗传性疾病,与不受控制的骨骼肌高代谢有关。某些挥发性麻醉剂(即氟烷、异氟醚、七氟醚、地氟醚、安氟醚)单独或与去极化肌肉松弛剂(特别是琥珀酰胆碱)联合使用可导致恶性高热(MH)的发生。触发物质导致钙从肌浆网不受控制地释放,并可能促进细胞外钙进入肌浆,导致骨骼肌挛缩、糖原分解和细胞代谢增加,从而产生热量和过量乳酸。患者出现酸中毒、高碳酸血症、心动过速、高热、肌肉僵直、肌间室综合征、横纹肌溶解症,随后血清肌酸激酶(CK)浓度升高、有心律失常、甚至心脏骤停的风险的高钾血症,以及有肾衰竭风险的肌红蛋白尿。几乎在所有病例中,MH(心动过速和呼吸过速)的最初表现都发生在手术室;然而,MH也可能发生在术后早期。越来越多的证据表明,一些MHS患者也会通过运动和/或暴露在高温环境中发展成MH。如果没有适当和及时的丹曲林钠治疗,死亡率极高。(https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20301325/)





在手术记录中,脊柱外科手术局麻药配伍中加氨甲环酸我还是第一次见到。从医这么多年来,我个人还没见过在脊柱外科手术中,局部使用氨甲环酸用于止血的,可能是我学习的不够。以前的局麻药物配伍,我个人的习惯,一般都是5mlX6支0.75%的布比卡因 300毫升生理盐水 3-6滴副肾上腺素(根据患者的血压状态调整),后来就将布比卡因改为罗哌卡因。
















戴正球,张亮 .氨甲环酸在脊柱外科手术中的应用进展. 《中国保健营养》2020年30卷18期 381-382,386页







Patel S, Robertson B, McConachie I. Catastrophic drug errors involving tranexamic acid administered during spinal anaesthesia. Anaesthesia 2019; 74: 904–14.

We have reviewed accidental spinal administration of tranexamic acid. We performed a MEDLINE search of cases of administration of tranexamic acid during epidural or spinal anaesthesia between 1960 and 2018. No reports of epidural administration were identified. We identified 21 cases of spinal tranexamic acid administration. Life-threatening neurological and/or cardiac complications, requiring resuscitation and/or intensive care, occurred in 20 patients; 10 patients died. We used a Human Factors Analysis Classification System model to analyse any contributing factors, and the reports were also assessed using four published recommendations for the reduction in neuraxial drug error. In 20 cases, ampoule error was the cause; in the last case a spinal catheter was mistaken for an intravenous catheter. All were classified as skill-based errors. Several human factors related to organisational policy; dispensing and storage of drugs and preparation for spinal anaesthesia tasks were present. All errors could have been prevented by implementing the four published recommendations.


在这篇中文网文中,ISMP2019年十大用药差错 (360doc.com), 网址:




ISMP(Institutefor Safe Medication Practices)是一家非盈利组织,致力于预防用药错误和安全用药,通过收集分析向ISMP提交的药物错误报告,不断增进医疗机构药物安全水平。


在这篇文章中:Dangerous Wrong-Route Errors with Tranexamic Acid—A Major Cause for Concern,网址:https://www.ismp.org/resources/dangerous-wrong-route-errors-tranexamic-acid-major-cause-concern.

When given intraspinally instead of a local anesthetic, tranexamic acid injection is a potent neurotoxin with a mortality rate of about 50% and is almost always harmful to the patient. Survivors of intraspinal tranexamic acid often experience seizures, permanent neurological injury, and paraplegia


2020年9月9日, 英国国家药物预警网络(National ALERT NETWORK, NAN)的报告中:

NAN ALERTS: Dangerous Wrong-Route Errors with Tranexamic Acid, 网址:https://www.ismp.org/alerts/dangerous-wrong-route-errors-tranexamic-acid

We recently learned about three cases of accidental spinal injection of tranexamic acid instead of a local anesthetic intended for regional (spinal) anesthesia. Container mix-ups were involved in each case. In one case, a patient scheduled for knee surgery received tranexamic acid instead of bupivacaine. The anesthesiologist immediately realized the error, but by then, the patient began to experience seizures. The patient later recovered. In a second case, a patient undergoing hip replacement surgery received tranexamic acid instead of a local anesthetic for spinal anesthesia. The patient survived but also experienced seizures and had extreme pain due to arachnoiditis. In a third case, a patient scheduled for bilateral knee replacement also inadvertently received tranexamic acid instead of bupivacaine for spinal anesthesia. The patient experienced seizures, which necessitated placing her into an induced coma for several days.


在这篇文章中:Palanisamy A, Kinsella SM. Spinal tranexamic acid – a new killer in town,网址:https://associationofanaesthetists-publications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/anae.14632

从题目看,就很醒目了:腰麻用氨甲环酸,镇上来了一个新杀手(Spinal tranexamic acid – a new killer in town)。我就不赘述文中的全文相关内容了,就是氨甲环酸一旦进入椎管内,就是灾难,就是杀手。


Mustafa H Al-Taei, Mohammed AlAzzawi, Safa Albustani, Ghadier Alsaoudi, Eric Costanzo. Incorrect Route for Injection: Inadvertent Tranexamic Acid Intrathecal Injection. Cureus. 2021 Feb 1;13(2):e13055. doi: 10.7759/cureus.13055.

Tranexamic acid has been increasingly used due to its safety and effectiveness. It has been associated with multiple reported cases of errors due to lack of attention, incorrect labeling of the syringes, or look-alike with other medications leading to the incorrect route of injection and the associated catastrophic sequela. Here we report a case of wrong route injection of tranexamic acid during spinal anesthesia, leading to myoclonic seizures and eventually intensive care unit admission of a patient undergoing orthopedic surgery. It is reported that higher doses of tranexamic acid would cause massive sympathetic discharge as evidenced by the initial hypertensive response reported in our case report and also in some repeated patient. Tranexamic acid induced seizures either from direct cerebral ischemia secondary to decreases in regional or global or from neuronal hyperexcitability by blockage of inhibitory cortical-gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)-A receptors. Some evidence has been shown for dose-related neurotoxicity in the animal model, with greater severity and duration of seizure with increasing doses.



W Justine van Lanschot Hubrecht, Wan Kian M Be, Irene M Fredriks, J E Dalman. Mix-up of medication in spinal anaesthetics. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2018 Dec17;163:D3192.[Article in Dutch]

We describe two patient cases in which the antifibrinolytic agent tranexamic acid was accidentally administered instead of the planned anaesthetic drug bupivacaine. The medication mix-up resulted in serious adverse outcomes for both patients



Paramjit S Garcha, Chadalavada V R Mohan, Ram M Sharma. Death after an inadvertent intrathecal injection of tranexamic acid. Anesth Analg. 2007 Jan;104(1):241-2.doi: 10.1213/01.ane.0000250436.17786.72.

While performing spinal anesthesia in a 55-year-old woman scheduled to have open reduction and internal fixation of a tibial fracture, 3 mL of 10% tranexamic acid rather than 0.5% bupivacaine was injected intrathecally with the patient in the sitting position. Immediately after drug administration, and as the patient was turned supine she complained of severe burning pain in both lower limbs. Within 10 min after intrathecal drug administration, she developed myoclonic twitching of the facial muscles and after 25 min she developed hypotension and became unconscious. Her trachea was intubated and the lungs were mechanically ventilated, but she died after 10h due to ventricular fibrillation.

翻译:在对一名计划进行胫骨骨折切开复位内固定的55岁女性进行腰麻时,患者坐位时蛛网膜下腔注射3 mL 10%氨甲环酸而非0.5%布比卡因。给药后,患者立即仰卧,她主诉双下肢严重烧灼痛。给药后10分钟,她面部肌肉出现肌阵挛性抽搐,25分钟后出现低血压并失去知觉,予以气管插管,肺部机械通气,但10小时后死于心室颤动。


Hatch DM, Atito-Narh E, Herschmiller EJ, Olufolabi AJ, Owen MD. Refractory status epilepticus after inadvertent intrathecal injection of tranexamic acid treated by magnesium sulfate. Int J Obstet Anesth. 2016 May;26:71-5. doi:10.1016/j.ijoa.2015.11.006. Epub 2015 Dec 2.

We present a case of accidental injection of tranexamic acid during spinal anesthesia for an elective cesarean delivery. Immediately following intrathecal injection of 2mL of solution, the patient complained of severe back pain, followed by muscle spasm and tetany. As there was no evidence of spinal block, the medications given were checked and a 'used' ampoule of tranexamic acid was found on the spinal tray. General anesthesia was induced but muscle spasm and tetany persisted despite administration of a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant. Hemodynamic instability, ventricular tachycardia, and status epilepticus developed, which were refractory to phenytoin, diazepam, and infusions of thiopental, midazolam and amiodarone. Magnesium sulfate was administered postoperatively in the intensive care unit, following which the frequency of seizures decreased, eventually stopping. Unfortunately, on postoperative day three the patient died from cardiopulmonary arrest after an oxygen supply failure that was not associated with the initial event. This report underlines the importance of double-checking medications before injection in order to avoid a drug error. As well, it suggests that magnesium sulfate may be useful in stopping seizures caused by the intrathecal injection of tranexamic acid.



Kamal Mohseni, Alireza Jafari, Mohammad Rezvan Nobahar, Ali Arami. Polymyoclonus seizure resulting from accidental injection of tranexamic acid in spinal anesthesia. Anesth Analg. 2009 Jun;108(6):1984-6. doi:10.1213/ane.0b013e3181a04d69.

We present a case of accidental injection of tranexamic acid instead of bupivacaine during spinal anesthesia. One minute after intrathecal injection of 3.5 mL of solution, the patient developed myoclonus of his lower extremities. Accidental intrathecal injection of the wrong drug was suspected and a used ampule of tranexamic acid discovered in the trash can. The ampules of tranexamic acid (500 mg/5 mL) and bupivacaine (5 mg/mL, Merck, Darmstadt,Germany) were similar in appearance. General anesthesia was induced. Ten hours later, the patient developed myoclonus of his upper extremities and face. His polymyoclonus was successfully treated with phenytoin, sodium thiopentalin fusion, sodium valproate and supportive care of the hemodynamic, and respiratory systems. The patient's condition progressively improved to full recovery.



Irene Lecker, Dian-Shi Wang, Paul D Whissell, Sinziana Avramescu, C David Mazer, Beverley A Orser. Tranexamic acid-associated seizures: Causes and treatment. Ann Neurol. 2016 Jan;79(1):18-26. doi: 10.1002/ana.24558. Epub 2015 Dec 15.

Antifibrinolytic drugs are routinely used worldwide to reduce the bleeding that results from a wide range of hemorrhagic conditions. The most commonly used antifibrinolytic drug, tranexamic acid, is associated with an increased incidence of postoperative seizures. The reported increase in the frequency of seizures is alarming, as these events are associated with adverse neurological outcomes, longer hospital stays, and increased in-hospital mortality. However, many clinicians are unaware that tranexamic acid causes seizures. The goal of this review is to summarize the incidence, risk factors, and clinical features of these seizures. This review also highlights several clinical and preclinical studies that offer mechanistic insights into the potential causes of and treatments for tranexamic acid-associated seizures. This review will aid the medical community by increasing awareness about tranexamic acid-associated seizures and by translating scientific findings into therapeutic interventions for patients.



Santosh Patel, Robert Loveridge. Obstetric Neuraxial Drug Administration Errors: A Quantitative and Qualitative Analytical Review. Anesth Analg. 2015Dec;121(6):1570-7. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000000938.

Background: Drug administration errors in obstetric neuraxial anesthesia can have devastating consequences. Although fully recognizing that they represent "only the tip of the iceberg," published case reports/series of these errors were reviewed in detail with the aim of estimating the frequency and the nature of these errors.


Methods: We identified case reports and case series from MEDLINE and performed a quantitative analysis of the involved drugs, error setting, source of error, the observed complications, and any therapeutic interventions. We subsequently performed a qualitative analysis of the human factors involved and proposed modifications to practice.


Results: Twenty-nine cases were identified. Various drugs were given in error, but no direct effects on the course of labor, mode of delivery, or neonatal outcome were reported. Four maternal deaths from the accidental intrathecal administration of tranexamic acid were reported, all occurring after delivery of the fetus. A range of hemodynamic and neurologic signs and symptoms were noted, but the most commonly reported complication was the failure of the intended neuraxial anesthetic technique. Several human factors were present; most common factors were drug storage issues and similar drug appearance. Four practice recommendations were identified as being likely to have prevented the errors.


Conclusions: The reported errors exposed latent conditions within health care systems. We suggest that the implementation of the following processes may decrease the risk of these types of drug errors: (1) Careful reading of the label on any drug ampule or syringe before the drug is drawn up or injected; (2) labeling all syringes; (3) checking labels with a second person or a device (such as a barcode reader linked to a computer) before the drug is drawn up or administered; and (4) use of non-Luer lock connectors on all epidural/spinal/combined spinal-epidural devices. Further study is required to determine whether routine use of these processes will reduce drug error.



Pratibha Jain Shah, Pratiksha Agrawal, Anisha Nagaria, Kp Ummu Habeeba. Fortuitous intrathecal injection of tranexamic acid. Indian J Anaesth. 2021 May;65(Suppl2):S93-S95. doi: 10.4103/ija.IJA_1586_20. Epub 2021 May 10.

We are reporting two mishaps due to accidental intrathecal injection of tranexamic acid. The first case was a 21-year-old male, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) grade I physical status, who was scheduled for arthroscopic reconstruction of right anterior cruciate ligament tear (case 1). The second case was a 23-year-old primigravida with preeclampsia at 37 weeks of pregnancy who was admitted for emergency caesarean section (case 2). Post spinal sequelae in both cases were noted. In case 1, the patient recovered without any neurological deficits and in case 2, mother and baby could not be saved.

In both the cases, a retrospective analysis of events led to the diagnosis of accidental intrathecal injection of tranexamic acid [2.5ml (250mg) in the firstcase and 2ml(200mg) in the second case].







术前30min静脉滴注氨甲环酸0.5g, 全麻下行腰椎内固定术后切开探查、神经根粘连松解术,术中见硬膜有破裂,脑脊液外流,L5右侧神经根受椎弓根钉挤压刺激,予调整L4右侧椎弓根钉位置,术中硬膜外注射氨甲环酸1.0g,引流管夹闭,术程顺利,患者安返病房。



Godec S, Gradisek MJ, Mirkovic T, Gradisek P. Ventriculolumbar perfusion and inhalational anesthesia with sevoflurane in an accidental intrathecal injection of tranexamic acid: unreported treatment options. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2021 Sep14:rapm-2021-102498. doi: 10.1136/rapm-2021-102498. Online ahead of print.

BACKGROUND: Tranexamic acid (TXA) decreases hemorrhage-related mortality in trauma patients and is increasingly being used during obstetric and orthopedic surgeries. Inadvertent intrathecal injection of TXA is a rare, potentially lethal event leading to dose-dependent cardiotoxicity and neurotoxicity. TXA enhances neuronal excitation by antagonizing inhibitory γ-aminobutyric acid type A and glycine receptors. Until now, mechanistic-based pharmacological treatments targeting multiple central nervous system receptors have been advocated for use in such cases, with no data on intrathecal TXA elimination techniques.

CASE PRESENTATION: A patient scheduled for hip surgery accidentally received 350mg of intrathecal TXA instead of levobupivacaine.The clinical picture progressed from spinal segmental myoclonus to generalized convulsions and malignant arrhythmias. The treatment consisted of ventriculolumbar perfusion with normal saline at a rate of 50mL/hour starting 5 hours after TXA administration and inhalational sedation with sevoflurane, in addition to drugs acting on multiple receptors at different central nervous system levels. Over 2 months the neurological status improved, although it was not complete.

CONCLUSIONS: For the first time,the feasibility and possible clinical efficacy of combined treatment with ventriculolumbar perfusion and inhalational sedation with sevoflurane were demonstrated. A referral to a neurosurgical facility is recommended in patients with acute TXA-induced neurotoxicity and cardiotoxicity.




2021年11月4日,我以“氨甲环酸” AND “脊柱”两个关键词在万方医学数据网检索,可获得72篇相关文献。

2021年11月5日,我以(tranexamic acid) AND (spinalanaesthesia)为关键词,检索www.pubmed.gov,获得66篇文献,如有感兴趣者可自行查阅参考和阅读。



1. 骨科医生,更确切讲,脊柱外科医生,脊柱微创外科医生,神经外科医生等对氨甲环酸的这些毒副作用不了解,或者说,对其危害性认识不足。我在写此文时,私下征询过几个医生,包括骨科医生,关节医生,脊柱外科医生,脊柱微创医生,包括麻醉医生,并不了解此种情况。

2. 发生严重后果,特别是死亡的病例,一般都会发生医疗纠纷,医生以及医院均不愿意声张,家丑不可外扬,都是悄悄的解决纠纷后就不愿再提起此事。更不要说发表文章警示大家。中文发表的这一篇文章,也是因为最后患者康复了才有发表,如果患者死了,也许可能就没这篇文章了。尚未看到有椎管内误用氨甲环酸导致死亡的源自中国大陆医疗机构的中文报道。

3. 有很多氨甲环酸用于各种手术止血的报道,也有一些脊柱外科手术术中局部使用氨甲环酸成功减少出血量的报道,却没有出现严重后果的报道,说明这些文章报喜不报忧,不可信。

4. 国外的大部分文献,都是麻醉医生报道术中麻醉时误用氨甲环酸导致严重后果。那么国内麻醉医生是否也有此类误用呢?纯粹的0误用应该不太可能,但这种事情发生的话,也都会低调处理,不会去写文报道。因为一旦被确认,则有可能会轻则丢饭碗,重则失去自由。在国外,标签容易引起误会,被当作是技术差错,但咱们把药物用错了,就是责任事故,处理轻重肯定有所不同。

5. 术中发生意外事件时,特别是关乎到生命问题的时候,外科医生一般会甩锅给麻醉医生,因为外科医生觉得自己的操作还不至于导致患者死亡,而麻醉医生肯定不愿意接锅,但不接这个锅又很难,特别是患者术中术后发生意外死亡,且原因搞不清楚的时候,除非有事实证据证明是外科医生的操作所致。就像这个病例,我相信,这个患者的术者以及麻醉医生,在患者死亡之前,并不了解氨甲环酸一旦进入脑脊液后会带来什么后果,否则他们就不用氨甲环酸了。

6. 还有一个原因,应该是咱们国内的中文杂志,特别是大牌杂志,中华牌之类的,可能对个案报道并不感兴趣,而氨甲环酸进入椎管,导致严重后果的病例,不可能是群体性发病,也不可能是系列发病,只能是以个案的形式出现,医生不愿意说,医院不让说,杂志不愿意发,最后导致此类严重后果的错误不能够引起学术界足够的重视,更不用说警示和改变。


1. 给脊柱外科医生(包括骨科和脑外科或神经外科的医生)的建议:任何椎管内误用氨甲环酸进入脑脊液,或者脊柱手术,术中局部使用氨甲环酸以图止血,只要氨甲环酸进入椎管内,就会造成严重不良后果,死亡率高达50%,所以,脊柱外科手术过程中,局部麻醉药物配伍中,或者手术术野中,请不要使用氨甲环酸局部止血,因为你不能保证术中氨甲环酸不会进入椎管,你不能保证术中不会损伤硬脊膜而导致氨甲环酸进入脑脊液。

2. 给麻醉医生的建议:腰麻时,严格执行三查七对,避免药物误用。如果以前参与抢救过术中或术后恶性高热,全身肌肉高张力痉挛,或者术中术后不明原因的恶性高热,下肢痉挛,或上下肢及面部或全身肌肉高张力痉挛,最后导致患者死亡或者瘫痪,或者抢救过来的,建议复盘再分析一下这些病例,是否是全麻下的手术?是否是硬腰联合麻醉下做的手术。如果是全麻,整个手术过程中无氨甲环酸出现,可能会考虑恶性高热。但如果是硬腰联合麻醉或者腰麻,而且术中外科医生用到了氨甲环酸,那么,这种恶性高热,全身肌肉高张力痉挛最后导致患者死亡的原因,就很有可能是氨甲环酸误用进入椎管所致。

3. 给术者所在医院的建议:按照药物不良反应上报规定渠道,向本院药房以及当地药监管理部门,上报该例病例为氨甲环酸药物不良反应病例,引起相应药监部门的重视。

4. 给术者的建议:发生这样的结果,我们谁都不愿意,在听到这个病例前,我也不知道氨甲环酸会有如此严重的后果,我相信大部分的外科医生也都不知道,很多麻醉医生应该也不知道。如果你愿意,希望能够将该病例整理后,在中文杂志发表个案及文献回顾报道,或者如果愿意发英文文章的话,且自己英文不行的话,跟我联系,我们可以合作,将该病例写成英文的个案报道和文献综述,以骨科医生的角度去写,争取发一篇比较好的SCI文章。

5. 给专业杂志,特别是脊柱外科相关杂志的主编们的建议,对于这样严重的手术并发症的个案报道,请高抬贵手,多多发表此类相关的文章,因为在脊柱手术中,局部使用氨甲环酸似乎越来越多的趋势,会带来灾难性后果。

6. 给所有读者的建议: 此文章的内容,对于骨科医生、脊柱外科医生、脊柱微创医生、神经外科医生、麻醉医生和麻醉护士、手术室护士、重症监护室医生以及妇产科医生等均有参考意义,如果你觉得有用,希望转发到你所在的相应专业的医学群里,供大家参考,希望大家对氨甲环酸进入椎管内的危害有足够的认识和重视,起到一定的警示作用。




