Instant ramen is cheap, it's tasty, and if you buy the kind in Styrofoam cups, you don't even need a bowl or utensils to enjoy a hot meal.,我来为大家讲解一下关于方便面英文宣传语?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



Instant ramen is cheap, it's tasty, and if you buy the kind in Styrofoam cups, you don't even need a bowl or utensils to enjoy a hot meal.


Which raises the question: Is ramen any good for you?


And what would happen if you ate it all the time--say six or seven nights a week?

如果你一直吃, 比如一周六七个晚上都吃,会发生什么?

"In a just-add-water container of ramen, there isn't a lot going on other than carbs and salt," says Abbey Sharp, a Toronto-based dietician.

多伦多的营养学家阿比夏普说:“除 了碳水化合物和盐,只需加水的杯装方便面里一无所有。

The same goes for those square bricks of ramen that require a few minutes of boiling.


Sharp says ramen has little-to-no fiber or protein--which are two of the primary components of food that make a person feel full after eating.


So ramen is unlikely to fill you up for very long, she says.


"There's also very litle micronutrients going on, so it's not contributing anything meaningful in the way of beneficial vitamins or antioxidants," she says.


But back to the carbs and salt.


Let's say you're hungry, and you decide to knock back two of those Styrofoam-cupped noodles.


Depending on the product you buy, each one may contain 1150 mg (or more) of sodium.


"That is extremely high," says Jim White, a registered dietician nutritionist and owner of Jim White Fitness studios.

吉姆.怀特表示,“这一含量非常高 ”,他是一名注册营养师,也是吉姆.怀特健身工作室的老板。

Consuming too much salt can raise a person's risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke in the long term, the CDC warns.


But in the short-term, slurping that much sodium would likely lead to serious water retention, White says.


That would promote weight gain, and also feeling bloated, sluygish, or lethargic, he says.


"Ramen also contains MSG and TBHQ, which may cause some unwanted side effects," White says.


MSG (or monosodium glutamate) is a non-essential amino acid that gives ramen a satisfying, umami-rich flavor.


While the FDA considers MSG to be safe, some people report feeling nauseated, headachy, or otherwise unwell after eating it.


TBHQ is also considered safe, though in high doses it has been linked with brain toxicity and some other health concerns.
