




In May, not only marvel, but also a familiar "character" returned with his replica works. Ultraman is the most familiar feature film of post-90s and post-90s childhood.


Ultraman, those who grew up with generation after generation, knows this classic image. In the 1990s, with the deepening of reform and opening up, Ultraman series was officially introduced into China.


The children watching at that time adored such a giant who saved the earth. Although it took only three minutes to change each time, Ultraman must do his best to knock down the monster and protect the earth on which human beings depend.


In fact, some parents always think Ultraman will mislead their children. However, Ultraman does not only have the plot of fighting and killing. Like a human partner, he silently guarded his second hometown. As far as I'm concerned, what I see is friendship, family affection, courage and unity. Whether adults or children, Ultraman always occupies a small world in the heart of the audience. He has accompanied and witnessed the growth of several generations with the spirit of justice and courage.


The theme song of New Ultraman is sung by Yonezu Kenshi. I believe there is no need to elaborate on the singer's ability and popularity. He also revealed in the interview that Ultraman taught him a lot, and this song is believed to express his understanding and love for Ultraman.

这次《新·奥特曼》的主题曲由米津玄师(Yonezu Kenshi)献唱,这个歌手的能力与知名度相信不用过多赘述。他在采访中也透露,奥特曼教会了他很多,这首歌相信也是表达了他对奥特曼的理解与热爱。

The most brilliant Ultraman Tiga once said: "in order to give everyone great courage and strength, the Ultra Star always shines on the other side of the sky."



1. elaborate [ɪˈlæbərət , ɪˈlæbəreɪt],(adj,v):复杂的;详尽的;精心制作的;详尽阐述;详细描述;详细制订;精心制作



