

【学习目标】 :


1-3岁宝宝目标单词:(根据孩子的学习程度, 学习部分或全部内容):

【复习】:zoo动物园, penguin企鹅, crocodile 鳄鱼, animal动物, 鹦鹉parrot, 猴子 monkey, 以及以前学的大象elephant (an elephant), 老虎 tiger 等

【新单词】: at the zoo 在动物园, 车站 stop / 公车站 bus stop,

penguin企鹅 – waddle 摇摆

crocodile 鳄鱼 – snap 上下拍击

butterfly 蝴蝶 – flap 煽动翅膀

Parrot 鹦鹉 – squawk 咯咯叫

青蛙 frog – ribbit 呱呱叫

lion 狮子 – roar 吼叫

3-6岁: 以上 wing 翅膀,

句型: Can you …(动词) like a/an …(动物)?

I’m a …at the zoo.


歌 词:



Ting! Ting! 叮!叮! All aboard the school bus.全体上校车。

We are going to the zoo! 我们要去动物园!

Teacher老师唱:We're playing a tune and we're singing a song with a bing and a bong and a bing我们谈一个调, 唱一首歌,用 bing, bong和bing!

Kids 小朋友们唱: bong bing boo, bing bong bing, bing bong bingly bongly boo

bing bong bing,bong bing boo, we’re all going to the zoo.

Ting! Ting! This is the zoo stop. 叮!叮!这是动物园站。

bong bing boo, bing bong bing, bing bong bingly bongly boo; bing bong bing,bong bing boo, we’re all going to the zoo. (teacher/老师: children, are you ready to see all kinds of animals?Kids小朋友们: Yes, please!)I’m a penguin – waddle, waddle. Can you waddle like a penguin?

bong bing boo, bing bong bing, bing bong bingly bongly boo; bing bong bing,bong bing boo, I’m a penguin at the zoo.


Did you hear that snapping? What could it be? 你听到“咔嚓咔嚓”的声音了么?那会是什么呢?Crocodile! 鳄鱼!I am a crocodile. Snap snap!(can you snap your hands like a crocodile’s mouth? 你能猛拍手像鳄鱼的嘴巴一样么?)

bong bing boo, bing bong bing, bing bong bingly bongly boo; bing bong bing,bong bing boo, I’m a butterfly at the zoo.


Now we are at a beautiful warm house with flowers. 现在我们在一个充满花的温室里。

And there’s something fluttering around the flowers 有东西在花周围飞舞。

I’m a butterfly. 我是一只蝴蝶。Flap flap 飞啊飞(扇动手)

Can you flap your wings like a butterfly? 你能像蝴蝶一样扇动你的翅膀飞舞么?

Bong bing boo bing bong bing bing bong bingly bungly booI’m a butterfly at the zoo.


There are so many animals at the zoo. Can you roar like a lion? 动物园里有好多动物。你能像狮子一样吼叫么?


Can you squawk like a parrot? 你能像鹦鹉一样咯咯叫么?

Squawk squawk

Or, jump like a frog.– ribbit (呱)

Ribbit, ribbit (边青蛙跳边叫ribbit)

And can you be a monkey?- Oh oh ah ah (猴子叫声)

Oh oh ah ah (边学猴子边叫)

Bong bing boo bing bong bing bing bong bingly bungly boo, we’re all animals at the zoo. 我们都是动物园的动物们。
