My girl friend get on with my parents. 我女票跟我父母相处融洽,我来为大家讲解一下关于英语动词短语分类总结:英语动词短语三?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



get on with sb 与某人相处融洽 == get along (well) with sb

My girl friend get on with my parents. 我女票跟我父母相处融洽。

get on with (doing) sth 继续做某事

I have no passion for my current job, but I have to go on with my life. 尽管我对我现在的工作没有什么激情,但是日子还得过呀。

pick up sth (skills/ideas/bad babits) 不费力地获得;学会

I'm green with envy when I see him pick up a language in a month. 我那个羡慕嫉妒恨呀,他居然一个月就学会了一门语言。

roll the mouse over sth 把鼠标拖动在...上

Just roll the mouse over the icon, and then double click it. 把鼠标拖到图标上,然后双击它。

get by on sth(money/skill) 依靠...过活, 勉强度日

Poor you, my ex. You have to get by on peanuts. 真可怜,前任。(哦豁) 你只能靠少得可怜的钱度日。

get by with sth 用...对付过去;靠...勉强对付过去

I get by with a little help from my friends. 在朋友的帮助下,我得以勉强应对。

strike back 反击;回击

To strike back, he attempts a hostile takeover of his rival company. 为反击, 他试图恶意收购对手家公司。

spirit away 不翼而飞

Holly god! My pocket money in the drawer spirited away! 天啊!我放在柜子里的零花钱不翼而飞啦!

cast away sth 抛弃;丢弃

Deep down, I am eager to cast away those books. 内心深处,我很想把那些书丢掉。

cover up sth 隐藏; 遮掩某事

You don't have to cover up the fact that you cheat on me. 你不用掩盖事实,你出轨了。
