


Social Distancing 社交距离

Canceling events that are likely to draw crowds is an example of social distancing. Social distancing is deliberately increasing the physical space between people to avoid spreading illness. Staying at least six feet away from other people lessens your chances of catching COVID-19.


● distance (v.) 保持距离

这里distance作为动词使用,意指「保持距离」,也可作为名词,如keep a distance,两者差异是词性不同。 distant则是形容词,意指「距离遥远的」;还有个同义词是remote,最近因应疫情流行的远距教学/工作英文表达便是remote education/work,但不可用distant替换。

● deliberately (adv.) 故意地;刻意地

这个单词通常用于负面的语意表达。不过在a deliberate decision这个片语中,则有「谨慎的;沉稳的」意思。此外deliberate也可当动词用,表示「慎重考虑、仔细讨论」,如:

The committee has deliberated the question at great length.



● lessen (v.) 减少

这是less(较少)的动词变化, less则是little这个形容词的比较级,注意后面须接不可数名词;相对的few-fewer要接可数名词。同义词有decrease(减少)。注意其发音和lesson(课程)相同,可从前后文判断。


Self-quarantine 自我隔离

People who have been exposed to the new coronavirus and who are at risk for coming down with COVID-19 might practice self-quarantine. Health experts recommend that self-quarantine lasts 14 days. Two weeks provides enough time for them to know whether or not they will become ill and be contagious to other people.


● expose (v.) 暴露

这里的用法是被动态-be exposed to~「暴露在~(环境)下」,主动态通常用法为expose oneself to~,如:

Don’t expose yourself to the coronavirus.



● quarantine (n.) 隔离


The horse had to spend several months in quarantine when it reached Britain.



● contagious (adj.) 会(接触)感染的;有感染力的

名词变化是contagion。 「-ous」是常见的形容词字尾,如dangerous(危险的)、infectious(有感染力的)等。 contagious和infectious的差别在于前者强调「接触性的感染」,英文解释为「communicable by contact」;而后者则不一定限定于接触感染,英文解释为「a disease involving a microorganism that can be transmitted from one person to another only by a specific kind of contact」,可指藉由微生物传染的疾病。
