
近日,一年一度的EdTech Asia Summit2019亚洲教育科技峰会在新加坡莱弗士会议中心盛大举行。





会上,你拍一受邀与Fun learners等新加坡著名教育机构进行深度学术交流,此外,创始人唐振华还利用参会间隙与新加坡的你拍一小学员进行了面对面沟通。


你拍一创始人唐振华受邀作为嘉宾与常春藤爸爸创始人兼CEO黄任、新东方投资总监柳倩、Studycat 创始人Mark共同出席了峰会的圆桌论坛。






In recent years, in China, the country and society are calling for the development of quality-oriented education more and more loudly. In addition, although the college entrance examination system has not been changed, more and more colleges and universities have begun to increase the proportion of independent enrollment, which mainly focuses on the comprehensive quality of students rather than the academic achievements.

This change directly leads to the change of education market.

……Our company,Nipaiyi Mathematical Thinking, provides online math thinking courses for children aged 3-12.Mathematical thinking is a subdivision of this trend. …….

Mathematical thinking is a new category, it should be considered as a comprehensive subject, it includes the study of mathematics, and also the study of child psychology, combines with brain science. To sum up, it uses mathematics as a tool to improve children's concentration, observation, logical reasoning ability, spatial imagination ability, calculation ability, expression ability.



It can be said that the development of Internet education has greatly expanded the space of China's education market.

In my opinion, there are basically three factors driving its development.

The first factor is the policies. The recent national policies mentioned that "Internet education" should be promoted to accelerate the construction of digital campus, and internet-based teaching should be actively explored.It can be said that the state and social support for the development of Internet education provides a great space for development.

The second factor is the boost of the capital. Internet education can save the space rental and labor costs to the maximum extent, hence attracts more industries to enter the field of online education.According to statistics, China's top 10 Internet education platforms raised more than 10 billion yuan in 2018.The mathematical thinking circuit, where my team is located, has also received a large amount of capital influx. From last year to this year, dozens of companies have successively entered this circuit and obtained high financing.

And then there's the demand issue that we just mentioned. Quality education stimulated a release of continuous huge demand of users. Compared with the decentralized and unbalanced course supply of traditional education, online education meets the need of personalized and more convenient learning much more easily.

Let me tell you another number, 11.6%, which is the penetration rate of online K12 extracurricular training. K12 courses can be said to be a huge part of Internet education, but its penetration rate is less than one third of the overall participation rate of K12 students.Therefore, the Internet education in the future still has a lot of room for development.




Now there is a common saying that reducing the burden means not paying attention to grades, which is not exactly the case. In my opinion, reducing the burden is actually respect for the development of personality.

Reducing the burden is opposed to the false belief that "taking score as the sole purpose of education", and the real purpose lies behind is precisely stimulating the students' intrinsic motivation, creativity, to explore the motivation, to learn on the basis of real interest, to cultivate children with more comprehensive quality and ability, such as learning ability, thinking ability, communication ability, cooperation ability, positive emotions and good character...This is more important than learning knowledge.




The biggest opportunity is the Chinese market. China is with a huge population, and Chinese culture has a tradition of always attach importance to education.

From the perspective of category, I think the field of quality-oriented education is with the greatest opportunities, followed by the field of overseas examination. Foreign companies basically have no opportunity in K12 course .

Problems for foreign companies to avoid: first, the lack of understanding in national conditions and policies of China. To enter the Chinese market, one must study China's education policy thoroughly and never touch the forbidden zone of the policy. After all, education is an ideological field, and foreign companies should always bear in mind this issue. Finally, it is important to have a long-term mindset. You can never rush in education, it needs to be refined, and requires extreme demands of various contents and services.




When we compress the compulsory learning content, is the substantial learning content rich enough in children's life?

When we emphasize on the cultivation of students' comprehensive ability, can extracurricular education fill the gap of quality education in time?

These need us, education enterprises to really return to the nature of education, the people, follow the rules of children's physical and mental health growth, start from the personalized planning and adhere to the quality education mode.



