My hometown is not very modern , but it's beautiful . There is a big park in the center of my hometown .There is also a swimming pool there . It is next to the park . My school is across from the swimming pool They are all near my home . In fact , there is no place like my hometown .,我来为大家讲解一下关于方位介词的用法你学会了么?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



My hometown is not very modern , but it's beautiful . There is a big park in the center of my hometown .There is also a swimming pool there . It is next to the park . My school is across from the swimming pool They are all near my home . In fact , there is no place like my hometown .



near…… 在……的附近

next to …… 紧邻…… ,在……的旁边

across from…… 在……的对面

in the center of…… 在……的中央点

1.以上这些介词或短语介词加了宾语之后,形成表示场所位置的介词短语,与there is /are 连用时,可置于句尾或句首。

例: There is a swimming pool near my school.

=Near my school there is a swimming pool.

2. 若介词短语置于句首时,there 可省略。

Near my school there is a swimming pool.

=Near my school is a swimming pool.

in fact = as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上
