crush英 [krʌʃ] 美 [krʌʃ] v. 压坏,挤压变形;捣碎,碾成粉末;把……挤入,将……塞进(狭小的空间内);(使)变皱,起皱;制服,镇压;使心烦意乱,使消沉,我来为大家讲解一下关于传图识字翻译英文?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



crush英 [krʌʃ] 美 [krʌʃ]

v. 压坏,挤压变形;捣碎,碾成粉末;把……挤入,将……塞进(狭小的空间内);(使)变皱,起皱;制服,镇压;使心烦意乱,使消沉

n. 拥挤的人群;(对某人短暂的)热恋,迷恋;迷恋对象;果汁饮料;(牛,羊的)分群栏

[ 复数 crushes 第三人称单数 crushes 现在分词 crushing 过去式 crushed 过去分词 crushed ]


Crush syndrome 压伤综合症 ; [泌尿] 挤压综合征 ; 挤压综合症

Candy Crush Saga 糖果粉碎传奇 ; 糖果传奇 ; 糖果大爆险 ; 电脑版

Blue Crush 蓝色激情 ; 碧海娇娃 ; 蓝色征服 ; 蓝色冲浪

Candy Crush 糖果粉碎传奇 ; 糖果传奇 ; 糖果粉碎 ; 糖果大爆险

Crush Gear Turbo 激斗战车

Do Not Crush 切勿压挤 ; 切勿挤压 ; 请勿挤压 ; 勿放顶上

Crush On You 迷恋着你 ; 迷恋着 ; 煞到你 ; 迷恋你

Cherry Crush 樱桃汁

pretty crush on me 感觉特别亮


crush /krʌʃ/ CET4 TEM4 ( crushing, crushed, crushes )

1. V-T To crush something means to press it very hard so that its shape is destroyed or so that it breaks into pieces. 压扁; 压碎

例:Andrew crushed his empty can.


例:...crushed ice.


2. V-T To crush a protest or movement, or a group of opponents, means to defeat it completely, usually by force. 镇压

例:The military operation was the first step in a plan to crush the uprising.


3. crushing N-UNCOUNT 镇压

例:...the violent crushing of anti-government demonstrations.


4. V-T If you are crushed by something, it upsets you a great deal. 使精神崩溃 [usu passive]

例:Listen to criticism but don't be crushed by it.


5. V-T If you are crushed against someone or something, you are pushed or pressed against them. (与某人或某物) 挤在一起 [usu passive]

例:We were at the front, crushed against the stage.

我们在前面, 被挤得紧挨着舞台。

6. N-COUNT A crush is a crowd of people close together, in which it is difficult to move. 拥挤的人群

例:His thirteen-year-old son somehow got separated in the crush.

