That birds migrate has been known for centuries. Ancient Persians used the comings and goings of birds as a basis for one of the first written calendars. The swallows return to San Juan Capistrano in the United States has inspired legends. Many of us set our own seasonal timetable by the arrival of the first robins or the song of the first warbler.




The annual vanishing and reappearing act has inspired entertaining theories. In the 1500s, people believed swallows spent the winter motion less on the bottoms of lakes, packed together like so many feathered pebbles. Two hundred years later, bird silhouettes in the night sky gave rise to the notion that ducks and geese spent the winter happily paddling the seas of the moon.



这段的翻译难点是entertaining theories,字面意思是“有趣的理论,娱乐的理论”,但汉语没有这种搭配及说法,我们不妨看看段落的后半部分讲的什么内容。段落里的第二句和第三句都是在举例说明这个theories的,通过例子的内容及我们的常识,判断出,人们当时所认为的现象是一种推理或者推测。因此,把entertaining theories翻译成“有趣的推测”就比较合适了。silhouette是“轮廓,剪影”的意思。


Today researchers follow bird movements primarily by banding more than a million creatures annually. Some birds are equipped with radio transmitters to track migration flocks


句子的翻译过程中,可以根据上下文改变原有的主语。这个段落里的第二句是一个被动语态。因为这段主要讲的是研究人员的工作,所以,为了和第一句的主语researchers一致,也为了让句子更符合汉语的表达习惯——多用主动语态,就用“他们(研究人员)”做主语,这样,第一句的主语用名词 “研究人员”,第二句的主语用 “他们”,汉语译文就很顺畅了。
