

Greenlight Committee,国内译作绿灯委员会,是每个片厂(studio)决定什么影片最终可以进行投拍的一个决策小组,简单地说就是他们几乎掌握着一个电影项目能否落地的生杀大权。能进入绿灯委员会评审的项目,都是片厂之前投资研发的项目,由与片厂有首看协议的制片人提交;能最终通过绿灯委员会审批的项目,就是最后杀出重围在院线得以见天日的项目。我们就绿灯委员会的问题咨询了制片人Adrian Askarieh。


Adrian Askarieh, 美国电影制片人,制作过系列影片《杀手》(Hitman),《杀手:代号47》(Hitman: Agent 47)等。该系列片基于游戏改编,由福斯制片并全球发行。Adrian Askarieh在好莱坞以制作游戏改编电影著称。有关他的具体信息,请查阅primeuniverse/



Eva: 制片厂的绿灯委员会是由什么人组成的?


It varies at every studio, but it is usuallymade up of top-level creative and marketing, and distribution executives.



As a producer, unless you are independently financing the project, you never sitin at a studio green light meeting. But the process by which a studio decideswhether or not to green light a movie is fairly consistent throughoutall of the studios. It is all about weighing the “pros andcons” of moving ahead with making a particular movie. I would say it ismostly dictated by whether or not making a particular movie is a viablecommercial and financial decision. Sometimes movies get the green lightbecause they bring a certain prestige to the studio in terms oftheir award potential. Other times a movie gets the green light becausethere is a very important piece of talent with whom the studio wants to be inbusiness.But these scenarios occur less and less these days. The rule of thumbis whether or not a movie is a viable financial endeavor and whetheror not enhances the studio’s slate and gives them a realistic chance atlaunching a franchise.



I prefer to call this the meeting with the producers just before a movie is greenlit. A "greenlight committee" often refers to the people at the studio who conferinternally and decide which movies get made. By the time producersreach this phase, they will ideally have a strong script, a director, and someof the key cast in place. Having a budget and a schedule is also very key. Evenif the latter two evolve and change (as they often do), having them at thisjuncture gives everyone, including the financier/studio, sufficient informationto base their decision

Eva: 对于游戏改编的电影项目,是不是更容易被绿灯委员会批准?他们是如何评判的?有哪些因素会影响他们的决定?


It is always a major advantage to have asuccessful and established IP as the source material for a movie you hope toget the green light for, especially in today’smarketplace. Everyone is looking for pre-existing IP. That is becauseaudience familiarity with a particular property, whether it is the massaudience, or in the case of comic books and video games, an extremely importantand active component of the mass audience, is a substantial advantage inthese cases. Because of theenthusiastic way in which global audiences are responding to movies based onIPs, IPs are much more of a safer bet to financiers and studios. And movies based on established IPs are deemed of higher priority.



That’s a good question. Many other films which wereless successful than the first Hitman generated sequels much quicker. Butsometimes the climate at a particular studio changes, this includes changes inmanagement, and it becomes a longer process to get them to agree to move aheadwith a sequel. As far as the factors the green light committee takes intoconsideration when deciding to move ahead with making a sequel, my answerremains the same: they ask and analyze whether or not it is viable financialendeavor.


Adrian:我现在正在研发两部基于游戏改编的电影,《正当防卫》(JUST CAUSE)和《杀出重围》(DEUS EX)。另外一个让我很兴奋的科幻惊悚《ALIEN SLEEPER CELL》也在前期筹备中。我觉得中国给大家提供了很棒的机会,主要是有这么多爱好电影的观众,他们愿意走进电影院体验电影带来的乐趣。作为电影人,能把电影带给这样的观众是非常令人兴奋的。我现在也在为中国观众研发一些项目,包括一部非常受欢迎的漫画小说改编题材《庞然巨物》(ENORMOUS)(Eva:据悉,《正当防卫》与国内光影工场合作,有兴趣投资的赶紧联系!)

I amcurrently working on bringing two very popular video games, JUST CAUSE and DEUSEX to the big screen. I am also starting soft preproduction on a science fictionthriller called ALIEN SLEEPR CELL, which I am very excited about. I think Chinaprovides a very exciting opportunity mostly because there is a huge andreceptive audience that genuinely enjoys going to the movies and loves thecinematic experience. As a filmmaker, its very enticing to want to provideexciting movie content for such an audience. I am currently developing a fewprojects for the Chinese audience, including a very popular graphic novelcalled ENORMOUS.
