living room/sitting room 起居室,客厅

sofa 沙发

end table/tea table 茶几

cigarette 香烟

ashtray 烟灰缸

match 火柴

lighter 打火机

TV/television 电视

TV stand 电视柜

remote control 遥控器

stereo system 立体音响

painting 画 (多指油画)

picture 画,照片

frame 画框

ceiling 天花板

lamp 灯

floor lamp 落地灯

wall lamp 壁灯

ceiling lamp 吊灯

chandelier 大吊灯

fluorescent lamp 日光灯

energy saving lamp 节能灯

outlet 插座

power strip/patch board 插线板

plug 插头

switch 开关

air conditioner 空调

fireplace 壁炉

bookshelf/bookrack 书架

bookcase 书柜

magazine rack 杂志架

calendar 日历

potted plant 盆栽

armchair 扶手椅

rocking chair 摇椅

deckchair 躺椅,折叠椅(常指海滩或船上的帆布折叠椅)

recliner (有垫脚的)躺椅,(可调式)斜躺椅

cushion 靠垫

carpet 地毯

rug 小块地毯 (不是铺满整个房间的一小块地毯)

hardwood floor 硬木地板

waste basket 废纸篓

blinds/window-blinds/window-shades/shutter blind 百叶窗

rolling blind 卷帘

curtain 窗帘

French window 落地窗

vase 花瓶

fish tank 鱼缸


Please pull down the roller blinds. 请把卷帘放下来。

I can't find the remote control. 我找不到遥控器了。

Your stereo system has great sound! 你的立体音响音质很好!

He threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray. 他把烟头扔进了烟灰缸。

I like to sit in a rocking chair and listen to music. 我喜欢坐在摇椅上听音乐。

I bought a rug and put it under the end table. 我买了个小地毯放在茶几下面。

