



(1) vt. 想家,假想(后常跟n.代.动-ing)

imagine( sb./sb's) doing...想象某人做 imagine that从句/wh-从句...想象...

imagine sb./sth.to be/as...想象某人/某物为

(2) vt.认为.料想;猜测(后加that从句,意为料想... 猜测...)eg. I don't imagine that they will refuse.

2. 理解shake, right away

(1) shake

① vt.或vi.使摇动,颤动,震动 shake with laughter/anger/fear笑得/气得/怕得浑身发抖

② v.动摇,使受到震撼;使(信念等)摇摆不定. Shake sb.up使震惊不安.

③ n.摇动,颤抖 shake of the hand 摇头

拓展:shake hands with sb(=shake sb.by the hand=shake sb's hand)和某人握手

shake sb's fist(at sb)挥拳(威胁某人) shake sb's confidence/faith/belief动摇某人的信心/信仰/信念

(2) right away"立刻,马上"

拓展:表示"立刻,马上"的词还有 at once, in no time, immediately, right now, instantly.

3. rise

(1) vi.上升,提高 (2)vi. 站起来,起床,相当于stand up和get up (3) vi. (数量)提高,增长,增加


(1) raise(raised,raised)"养育,培养;举起;增加提高;筹募;提出" vt. 后接宾语,可用于被动语序

(2) rise(rose,risen)"上升,上涨,增加,升起;起床" 不受人为因素而自然升起,vi.

(3) arise(arose,arisen)"产生,出现,起立(床);引起" vi.

4. burst

(1) v.(使)爆炸,胀开

(2) v.猛冲,闯,突然……起来. burst in/burst into a room,building,ect. 闯进;突然破门而入。

burst into tears/laughter=burst out crying/laughing突然大哭/大笑起来

(3) n.破裂;突发,迸发 a burst of laughter/applause/anger一阵大笑/一阵喝彩声/一阵发怒

5. 理解:think little of不重视,不在乎,不把…当回事。

拓展:think well of… 认为…好,器重… think much highly of… 重视… 高度评价…

think of想起,认为 think of A as B. 把A看做B think up 想出,设计

think about考虑 think over认真考虑 think out 相出,发现

注意:think highly/well/much of 被动语态: be highly/well/much thought of

event ① n.发生的事情;(尤指)大事 ② n. [C](体育运动的)比赛项目


affair一般指商业及政府的事物; matter指需要留心的事件,问题,难题

6. at an end习语:结束,终结

辨析:at an end/in the end/at the end of

① at an end "结束,终结"在句中作表语

② in the end "最终,终于"作状语

③ at the end of "在…结束时;在…末端/尽头"后 表时间或地点的名词作时间地点状语

7. in ruins "成为废墟,严重受损,破败不堪"其中ruin用作名词

拓展:ruin (1) n.(pl.) 废墟;残垣断壁,[U]毁灭,灭亡

Go/come to ruin灭亡 fall in/into ruin 灭亡;荒废 bring…to ruin使…毁灭

(2) vt.毁灭,毁坏,使破产

8. injure

(1) vt.损害,损伤(名誉,自尊,尤指在事故中)的伤害,使受伤

(2) 辨析harm,hurt,wound



③harm:n.伤害,损害,危害 do harm to/do…harm对…有害。 vt.伤害,损害

9.理解the number of, reach

(1) the number of… 表示"…的数量" 区分:the number of/a number of

①the number of 与复数名词连用"……的数量"作主语时谓语动词用单数

②a number of 与名词复数连用意为"许多" number前可加good,large,great等adj.如作主语谓语用复数。


① vt.增加到;达到,实现;伸手够得着 reach a conclusion得出结论

② n.手可触及的范围;假设范围;影响范围

Beyond/out of the reach of sb在某人够不到的地方 within sb's reach在某人伸手可及的地方,在能力范围内


① vt..使震惊,使惊愕。 it shocks sb to see/hear……看到/听见…使某人震惊

② n.令某人震惊的事;休克;剧烈运动;震惊 be a shock=come as a shock令人震惊

in a state of shock 惊魂未定,大为震惊 suffer from shock处于休克状态


(3).辨析 shock/surprise



11.rescue (1)n. [C.U.]救援,营救;救援行动 (2)vt.援救,营救.

come/go to one's rescue=(rescue sb)来/去营救某人 rescue…from… 把…从…解救出来


(1) vt.(trapped,trapped)使陷入困境;卡住,夹在;使中计

be trapped in… 困在…中陷入…… trap sb into(doing) sth使某人做事情

(2) n.陷阱,圈套lay(set)a trap for…为…设下圈套 fall/walk into a trap落入圈套

13. dig out 意为"挖掘出,发现",其中dig为动词,过去式,过去分词都是dug.

拓展:dig up 崛起,挖掘出 dig for挖寻;寻找,挖掘 dig into 探寻

14.bury vt.埋葬,埋藏,遮盖,掩盖,掩藏 vt.使沉浸于,使专心于. be lost in, be occupied in, focus on/upon, concentrate to, fix one's attention on,

pay full attention to

15.shelter (1)n.居住,住所,掩藏,掩蔽物;避难所,收容所.

take shelter from… 躲避… seek shelter需求庇护

(2) v.掩蔽,保护,躲避 shelter sb/sth from…保护某人/物免受…

16.give out (1)放出(光热声音)(2)分发,散发 (3)用完,耗尽 (4)宣布,播放(常用于被动).

辨析:run out/give out/run out of/use up

① run out/give out用完,耗尽,不及物动词后不可接宾语,也不用被动

② run out of 用完耗尽,及物动词一般不用被动

③ use up 用完耗尽,使筋疲力尽,及物接宾语用于被动.

17. damage (1)n.损坏,损害,破坏(damages)损害赔偿金 (2) vt.损害,损坏,破坏

拓展解析:damage损坏程度轻可修复, destroy 彻底毁坏不可修复 ruin 毁掉(无功能),价值丧失,强调破坏的彻底性.

18.congratulation (1)n.(常用复数)祝贺,恭喜 congratulations (to sb) on sth祝贺(某人)某事

offer/send one's congratulations to sb(on sth)(为某事)向某人表示祝贺。

拓展:congratulate vt.祝贺,恭喜 ~ sb on sth或~ on doing sth 为…祝贺某人,祝贺某人…

congratulate oneself on…为自己…感到自豪/高兴


①congratulate"祝贺" 宾语接人,若要说事常用介词on

②celebrate"庆祝",宾语 事 in celebration of…

19.judge (1) n. [C]裁判员,评委,法官 (2) v.判定,评判,评价 as far as I judge 据我判断

拓展:judgement in one's judgement 在某人看来 make a judgement on 对…作出判断


(1)vt.尊敬,尊重,给予荣誉. Honour sb with sth以…向某人表示敬意,以…表扬某人

(2)n. [U]敬重,尊敬 in honour of为纪念… It is an honour to do… 很荣幸做……



(2)vt.(用符号等)表示,代表 express A as B用B表示A



1. You have time to take only one thing.你只有带一件东西的时间.

作定语的不定式如果含有不及物动词且不定式所修饰的名词或代词表示地点、工具等,不定式后需要相应的介词,但当不定式所修饰的名词是time, place或way时不定式后的介词省去。

eg. Mary had no money and no place to live.

2. In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.


eg.The book is too difficult for us to read.

3. Mice ran out of the fields, looking for place to hide. 现在分词作伴随状语.

4. It seemed as if the world was at an end!

as if引导从句用法意为"似乎,好像"引导状语和表从,共意义用法与as though相同.



2 如果从句所表示的情况没有依据,只是表达一种假设愿望,怀疑或推测那则用虚拟语气

5. One-third of the nation felt it

分数/百分数 of n.作主语时主谓一致,其谓语动词的单变由of后名词决定.

拓展:"some of,plenty of, a lot of, most of, the rest of, all of , half of, part of… n."作主语时谓语动词的单复数由of后的名词决定.



