151、begin/start to do sth/doing sth开始做某事后接动词不定式或动名词均可,表达的意思一样,我来为大家讲解一下关于初中英语动词短语170条?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



151、begin/start to do sth/doing sth


例句:He begins to do his homework as soon as he arrives home every afternoon.每天下午他一回到家就开始做作业。

152、volunteer to do sth


例句:Tom volunteers to help the old people in nursing homes every weekend.汤姆每个周末志愿去帮助养老院的老人。

153、enable sb to do sth


例句:To learn English well enables you to communicate with the foreigners freely and easily.学好英语可以使你能够和外国人自由和容易地交流与沟通。

154、order sb to do sth


例句:The teacher ordered Tom to leave the classroom as soon as possible.老师命令汤姆尽快离开教室。

155、persuade sb to do sth


例句:At last, I persuaded my father to give up smoking.最后,我说服了我父亲戒烟。

156、remind sb to do sth


比较 remind sb to do sth 与 remind sb of doing sth:前者指提醒某人去做某事,其中的不定式所表示的动作尚未发生;后者指提醒某人(使某人想起)已经做过某事,其中的动名词表示动作已经发生。比较:

He reminded me to see the film. 他提醒我去看这部电影。

He reminded me of my seeing the film. 他提醒我说,我曾看过这部电影。

He reminded me to tell her. 他提醒我,叫我告诉她。

He reminded me of telling her. 他使我想起我曾告诉过她。

156、hate to do sth,hate doing sth


hate doing sth表示经常性、习惯性地讨厌做某事。

例句:He hates watching TV every day. 她讨厌每天看电视。

hate to do sth 表示一时性地、临时性地、一次性地讨厌做某事。

例句:Tom hates to go swimming this afternoon.汤姆今天下午讨厌(不想)去游泳。

另外:hate sb to do sth讨厌某人做某事。

157、hesitate to do sth


例句:Do not hesitate to call me when you are in trouble.当你有麻烦的时候不要犹豫给我打电话。

还有句型:hesitate in (doing) sth, hesitate at sth, hesitate about (doing)sth, hesitate between (doing )sth and (doing) sth.

158、cause sb to do sth


例句:His father’s death caused him to fail to pass the college entrance examination.他父亲的去世导致他没有通过大学入学考试。

159、aim to do sth


例句:He aims to achieve his dream in his thirties.他打算在他三十几岁的时候实现他的梦想。

160、long to do sth


例句:He longs to go abroad for further study after he graduates from university.他渴望大学毕业后出国留学深造。
