
今日龙头:I dn`t want anything to do with you.我不想跟你有任何瓜葛。



  1. It hasn`t put me off.我毫不介意

  2. It`s already taken care of.事情已经尘埃落定

  3. you are so twisted.你可真变态

  4. It`s just that most men like to hear me talk dirty.只不过男人大多数爱听荤段子

  5. You appear to be at a loss for words.你好像词穷了

  6. Holy fuck!我了个天=Holy shit!见鬼=Bloody hell!该死=sucks for you活该

  7. I`ve been living on borrowed time,haven`t I?我一直都在苟且偷生,不是吗?

  8. You`re back to your old tricks.你又故技重施了

  9. You jumped the gun,again.你又操之过急

  10. I`ll love her to the moon and back.我会把她宠上天(if i have,多少单身汪的真心话)

  11. A dumb person蠢蛋=A knucklehead二货=mouth breather 白痴=jackhole混球(用的过瘾吗)

  12. There are times in life that warrant an exception.其实人生苦短偶尔破个戒也不错

  13. I`ve always been self--aware.我一直有自知之明(像我这么帅的生来就是为拯救世界)

  14. You `ve done nothing to improve yourself.你没有一点点长进

  15. I could more good dead than alive.我死了比活着的作用更大(好可悲,有多少人这么想)

  16. I see through your game.我已经看透你的把戏了(高手过招,一招制胜,还是这句话威力大)

  17. What you put into the world comes back to you.恶有恶报,善有善终

  18. Nothing makes sense without you.你不在,一切都没有意义了

  19. That`s my line in the sand.这是我的底线

  20. If you could manage to stay out of my bussineess,I`ll try and stay out of yours. 如果你能不多管闲事,那我也不会干涉你.

  21. My feelings for you are nothing if not entirely pure.我对你绝对没有非分之想

  22. I always say what I mean.我向来有话直说

  23. As usual,you`ve seen right through me.你总是能一眼望穿我

  24. This is my shot.这是我的机会 Bully for you.你真厉害

  25. I see you for exactly who you are.我终于看穿你的真面目了

  26. Now there`s a train wreck of a soul.这就是灵魂的堕落

  27. I`ve always prided myself on my good sportmanship 我一直引以为傲的就是自己输得起的心态(对,认真你就输了)

  28. You are such a prick.你真是个混蛋(Fair point 有道理)

  29. You`re freaking me out. 你把我吓坏了(你把我吓尿了 会不会好点?)

  30. We all so caugh up in our own shit.我们都太沉浸于自己的破事(不是吗?这才是为什么这个社会这么冷漠,人呐,自己的一点小事比天大,其它天大的事比自己小)

今日凤尾:Meeting you was the great privilege of my life.遇见你是我这一生最荣幸的事

Good Night!
