

EAntenna Systems Now Available at DX Engineering

DX Engineering 正在使用EAntenna天线系统

Contesters have been clamoring for rugged, high performance antennas that won’t break the bank. EAntenna’s Yagi and dipole antenna designs deliver on all three fronts. These HF and VHF antennas can be found at some of Europe’s most competitive stations, and now operators in the United States can purchase them for their own installations.


EAntenna’s antennas are so well respected, that the VK0EK DXpedition team selected them to use on Heard Island. In what was one of the most significant DXpeditions of the year, the antennas performed well amidst the DXpedition’s extremely intense RF environment.

EAntenna天线性能表现很棒,著名的VK0EK DXpedition团队在赫德岛的远征通联就是使用它。什么是DX远征通联最重要的之一,当然是一款在非常强烈的射频干扰环境下表现良好的天线。

The EAntenna 59 multiband Yagiprovides coverage on the 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meter bands with a boom just under 20 feet long. Its durable construction helps it survive winds close to 100 mph. The 59 antenna’s efficient design delivers close to 7 dBi gain on 20 meters and a whopping 9 dBi gain on 10 meters. Front-to-back ratios are greater than 22 dB on all bands.

不到20英尺长的EAntenna 多波段八木天线在20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 米波段均能达到59 的通联效果。坚固的结构能抗接近每小时100英里的风速。59 天线的有效设计提供了20米段接近7 dBi,10米段高达9 dBi的效果。在所有波段的前后比都大于22dB。

EAntenna makes a versatile series of dipole antennasthat offer an incredible blend of ruggedness and performance. They’re optimized for low SWR in each band and the antennas’ innovative element spreader system delivers incredibly low noise. The use of polycarbonate insulators contributes to excellent resistance to Mother Nature. They’re easy to install and, in most cases, the antennas can be set up in about 30 minutes.


For operators looking for no-compromise “Magic Band” 6 meter coverage, EAntenna offers its 6MOX Yagi. It delivers over 6 dBi gain on 6M, with a front-to-back of 25 dB. Better still, the boom is only around 3 feet long, and the longest element is less the 7 feet long. The result is an ultra-compact 6 meter antenna that delivers excellent performance with a tiny footprint.

对通联操作者寻找永不妥协的6米“魔术波段”,EAntenna提供了6MOX八木。发布了在6米段超过6 dBi,前后比25dB的专用通联神器。更好的是,吊杆只有大约3英尺长,最长的单元是7英尺长。一个超小型6米天线迈出小小的一步就能提供出色的性能表现。

This is just the tip of the iceberg, DX Engineering carries more EAntenna Yagi and Dipole antennas and many are in stock, ready to ship today.

这只是冰山的一角,DX Engineering还会带来更多EAntenna八木和偶极天线,很多还在备货中,今天准备装船。



Click here to see EAntennas at DXEngineering.com.









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