
1 函数调用与返回



2 goto局部跳转



3 非局部跳转(Non local jumps)

The tools provided through the header file setjmp.h allow the programmer to bypass the normal function call and return discipline, by providing the means to perform jumps preserving the calling environment.


The header provides, a function, a macro with functional form and a specific type:


3.1 setjmp()


typedef struct __JUMP_BUFFER { unsigned long Ebp; unsigned long Ebx; unsigned long Edi; unsigned long Esi; unsigned long Esp; unsigned long Eip; unsigned long Registration; unsigned long TryLevel; unsigned long Cookie; unsigned long UnwindFunc; unsigned long UnwindData[6]; } _JUMP_BUFFER; #define _JBLEN 16 #define _JBTYPE int typedef _JBTYPE jmp_buf[_JBLEN]; int setjmp (jmp_buf env);

This macro with functional form fills env with information about the current state of the calling environment in that point of code execution, so that it can be restored by a later call to longjmp.


Calling longjmp with the information stored in env restores this same state and returns the control to that same point (the call to setjmp), which is evaluated as a particular non-zero value.


The state of the calling environment includes the values of all accessible objects, except those of automatic duration local to the function which do not have volatile-qualified types and which change before the call to longjmp; these have indeterminate values.


The invocation of setjmp shall be an expression statement by itself, or be evaluated in a selection or iteration statement either as the (potentially negated) entire controlling expression or compared against an integer constant expression. Otherwise, it causes undefined behavior.

setjmp的调用本身应该是一个表达式语句,或者在选择或迭代语句中作为(可能被否定的)整个控制表达式进行计算,或者与整数常量表达式进行比较。否则,会导致未定义的行为。Restores the environment to the state indicated by env, evaluating the setjmp expression that filled env as val.

3.2 longjmp


void longjmp (jmp_buf env, int val);

The called function containing the longjmp() macro never returns to the point where it has been invoked. Instead, the function transfers the control to the point where setjmp was last used to fill the env, and evaluates the whole expression as val (unless this is zero, in which case it evaluates as value of 1).


If env was not filled by a previous call to setjmp or if the function with such call has terminated execution, it causes undefined behavior.


In C , the implementation may perform stack unwinding that destroys objects with automatic duration. If this invokes any non-trivial destructors, it causes undefined behavior.

在C 中,实现可以执行堆栈展开,以自动持续时间销毁对象。如果这调用任何非平凡的析构函数,则会导致未定义的行为。

demo code:

// setjmp和longjmp #include <stdio.h> #include <setjmp.h> void jmpfunc(jmp_buf env_buf) { // …… printf("%s\n","③ 返回到返回点(setjmp()填充了jmp_buff的代码后)。"); longjmp(env_buf, 110); } int main() { int val; jmp_buf env_buffer; printf("① 在longjmp的预定返回点调用setjmp()保存此处的上下文环境jmp_buf,并恢复上下文环境。\n"); val = setjmp( env_buffer ); // longjmp返回点 if( val != 0 ) { printf("④ 从 longjmp() 返回,更新上下文环境jmp_buf,并返回值 = %d\n", val); goto label; } printf("② 包含了jmp_buf参数和longjmp()语句的函数调用。\n"); jmpfunc( env_buffer ); label: printf("⑤ 此位置非jmpfunc函数的返回地址。\n"); getchar(); return(0); } /* ① 在longjmp的预定返回点调用setjmp()保存此处的上下文环境jmp_buf,并恢复上下文环境。 ② 包含了jmp_buf参数和longjmp()语句的函数调用。 ③ 返回到返回点(setjmp()填充了jmp_buff的代码后)。 ④ 从 longjmp() 返回,更新上下文环境jmp_buf,并返回值 = 110 ⑤ 此位置非jmpfunc函数的返回地址。 */

