

Burglary in a Premium Apartment  As the proceedings began we decided to first probe for the prevalent possible reasons that Nicky has fallen prey to a burglar in her premium apartment in the premier downtown district in New York. If she had lived in a more dangerous neighborhood this would have been a prescription for burglary. But Nicky had been living in an apartment building with high prestige where a premium was placed on security, multiple guards hired at a premium rate patrolled the premise, and privacy was presumed. You couldn't prick your finger in the hallways without being observed.  A number of possibilities had already been discussed for how the crime happened. No one in the area was on probation. No pretext had be found so far that would give anyone reason to steal from Nicky. And none of the guards were preoccupied by any distraction at the time of the crime. Any of our finding would be premature, however, until we considered the probability that it was an inside job. We would have to presume on the apartment staff for interviews. And I would personally preside over all of these interviews. In all probability we would find nothing, but we would be called pretentious if we did not follow proper procedure.  As we began the interview I took a quick preview of the people we would meet. All looked like they were prey caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. But the words of one woman pricked up my ear as I heard her say that Nicky was always trying to make trouble in their building. I listened closely as I knew that this might be our best suspect. But we still had a lot of work to do to find out for sure.  

高级公寓内的盗窃案  诉讼程序开始的时候我们决定首先调查尼基成为劫贼手下牺牲品的普遍并且可能的原因。她是在纽约主要中心地区她的高级公寓内遇害的。如果她住在一个更加危险的地区那么抢劫的事情还有较高的可能性,但是尼基住在一幢很有名气的公寓里面,那里交过安全保险金,还高价聘请了许多保安在房屋和地面巡逻,人们认定那里的私生活不会受到干扰,即使你在过道里戳一下手指也一定会被发现。  对于案发过程已经讨论了好几种可能性。那个地方没有人在服缓刑,到目前为止还没发现任何人有想偷尼基东西的借口,案发的时候没有一个保安被别的事情完全吸引住。但是,我们的任何发现都是不成熟的,直到我们想到内部作案的可能性。我们要利用公寓内的工作人员,对他们进行面谈,而我将亲自主持所有这些面谈。很可能我们会一无所获,但如果不走合适的程序别人会说我们自命不凡。  随着面谈的开始我很快预先审查了一下我们要见的那些人。他们看上去都像是被迎面而来的汽车车前灯照射的受害者,但是有一名妇女的话立刻引起了我的注意,因为我听到她说尼基总是想在他们楼里制造麻烦。我听得很仔细,因为我知道这可能是我们最重要的嫌疑犯,但是要找到确凿的证据我们还有大量的工作要做。



prematurea.1.比预期(或正常)时间早的2.(做法等)不成熟的,仓促的premiern.总理,首相a.首要的,首位的,首次的premisen.1.[pl.](企业、机构等使用的)房屋和地基,经营场址2.前提,假设premiumn.1.(投保人向保险公司支付的)保险金2.额外费用,加付款3.奖品,赠品,额外津贴a.1.高级的,优质的2.售价高的at a premium1.奇缺的,难得的2.以超过一般的价格,以高价put/place a premium on高度评价,重视preoccupyvt.使全神贯注,使入神prescriptionn.1.规定,规定性的东西(如条例、指示、命令等)2.处方,药方,(医生开的)药3.解救方法,诀窍presidevi.(at,over)主持,主管prestigen.威信,威望presumevt.1.推测,假定,(没有证据地)相信2.冒昧(做),擅(做)3.认定,推定vi.擅自行事presume on(不正当地)利用pretentiousa.自命不凡的,自负的,炫耀的pretextn.借口,托词prevalenta.流行的,普遍的previewn.1.(电影、戏剧等的)预映,预演,预先审查(或检查)2.(电影等的)预告(片)preyn.1.被捕食的动物,捕获物2.受害者v.1.(on)捕食2.折磨,使烦恼fall prey to 成为……的牺牲品,深受……之害prickvt.1.刺,扎,戳2.刺痕,刺痛3.使内心极度痛苦vi.引起(或感到)刺痛n.1.刺,扎,戳2.刺痛3.刺痕,刺孔prick up one's ears(使)竖起耳朵注意听,(使)立刻注意起来privacyn.1.(不受干扰的)个人自由2.隐私,私生活,私事probabilityn.1.可能性,可能发生的事2.概率in all probability十有八九,很可能probationn.1.缓刑(期),(以观后效的)察看2.试用(期),试读(期)probev.1.探索,查究,调查2.用探针(或探测器等)探查,探测n.1.探针,探测器2.探索,调查proceedingsn.1.进程,过程,议程2.诉讼,诉讼程序3.会议录,公报



Burglary in a Premium Apartment  As the proceedings began we decided to first probe for the prevalent possible reasons that Nicky has fallen prey to a burglar in her premium apartment in the premier downtown district in New York. If she had lived in a more dangerous neighborhood this would have been a prescription for burglary. But Nicky had been living in an apartment building with high prestige where a premium was placed on security, multiple guards hired at a premium rate patrolled the premise, and privacy was presumed. You couldn't prick your finger in the hallways without being observed.  A number of possibilities had already been discussed for how the crime happened. No one in the area was on probation. No pretext had be found so far that would give anyone reason to steal from Nicky. And none of the guards were preoccupied by any distraction at the time of the crime. Any of our finding would be premature, however, until we considered the probability that it was an inside job. We would have to presume on the apartment staff for interviews. And I would personally preside over all of these interviews. In all probability we would find nothing, but we would be called pretentious if we did not follow proper procedure.  As we began the interview I took a quick preview of the people we would meet. All looked like they were prey caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. But the words of one woman pricked up my ear as I heard her say that Nicky was always trying to make trouble in their building. I listened closely as I knew that this might be our best suspect. But we still had a lot of work to do to find out for sure. 

