
And now, Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English. Insects -- or bugs as we generally call them -- are of course necessary in the natural environment.

现在是美国之音慢速单词故事节目。Insects(昆虫)—— 我们通常称它们为bugs —— 在自然环境中当然是必不可少的。

But they are everywhere! They get into our homes.


They invade our outdoor parties. So, of course, we have expressions that use insects or bugs.

它们入侵我们的户外聚会。所以,当然,我们有使用insects 或 bugs的表达。

The first one is really simple. If I say to someone: "You are bugging me"! it means the person is annoying, like a bug!

第一个非常简单。如果我对某人说:"You are bugging me"!意思是这个人很烦人,就像一只虫子!

Bugs can be pests, too. So, when someone is really, really annoying, we could say "stop pestering me"!

虫子也可能是害虫。所以,当某人非常非常烦人的时候,我们可以说"stop pesters me"!

Ants can also be pests. They are so small that they can get everywhere.


In fact, if we sit too long on the ground, they may even get in our pants. If you get ants in your pants, you may move or dance around to get them out.


So, the expression to have ants in your pants means you cannot sit still. You are constantly moving around.

所以,to have ants in your pants这个表达的意思是你不能安静地坐着。你要一直四处走动。

Here is an example. My friend Sylvia is full of energy.


I don't think I have ever seen her sit down for longer than 10 minutes. This makes some people nervous.


"Sit down, Sylvia! It's like you have ants in your pants"! they might say. We often use this expression for children . . . and Sylvia.


Now, for some of our listeners, the weather is not getting warmer but rather colder. In those places, if you are warm and comfortable usually under many blankets, you can say you are snug as a bug in a rug.

现在,对于我们的一些听众来说,天气并没有变暖,而是更冷了。在那些地方,如果你盖很多的毯子这样感到温暖和舒适,你可以说you are snug as a bug in a rug(你感到十分的舒适,舒服得像地毯里的小虫子。)

Let's listen to how we use that expression. Wow, the wind is really blowing out there.


And the temperature has dropped ten degrees since this morning. So, do you still want to go out to a movie?


You know, I would love to. But right now, I am snug as a bug in a rug with a cup of tea and a great book. Doesn't sound like you're going anywhere tonight!


Maybe to the kitchen for more tea but NOT outside. In places where the weather is getting warmer, insects like flies may be coming out to annoy you.


Sometimes their presence means that something bad or unpleasant is nearby. So, we can say a fly in the ointment to point to something bad that ruins something else.

有时它们的存在意味着坏事或不愉快的事情就在附近。所以,我们可以说a fly in the ointment来指虽小却搅了全局的东西或事情。

Ointment is a type of medicine that you put on your skin. If a fly lands in it, you really can't use it as medicine.


Let's hear that expression used in a couple of sentences. Her surprise party for her husband's birthday was nearly ready.


The food was ordered. The cake was made. And all his friends were hiding in their house. Then came the fly in the ointment.


His flight was canceled, meaning he would miss his party. Having a wedding onboard a boat, sailing along the blue sea seemed like a great idea.


The weather was beautiful, and everyone was happy. The only fly in the ointment was the boat's loud engine.


Nobody could hear a thing – not even "I do"! Now, flies are everywhere.


And we really do not think twice about killing them. So, if someone is very gentle with no violent feelings at all, we could say that person would not harm a fly.


Now, let's talk about another flying insect. This one is not annoying but rather very important.


Bees are always working and make wonderful honey. So, you may have heard the expression to be as busy as a bee.

蜜蜂总是在工作,酿出美味的蜂蜜。所以,你可能听过这个短语to be busy as a bee。

But did you know that if you have a bee in your bonnet, you are angry about something? Something is annoying you.

但是你知道吗,如果你have a bee in your bonnet,意思是你在为某事生气?有什么事让你心烦。

Maybe you haven't heard it. The expression is a bit old.


After all, a bonnet is a type of hat worn by women as early as Medieval times. But sometimes we use this expression when we want to make fun of someone who is acting angry but for no good reason.

毕竟,a bonnet早在中世纪就已经是女性戴的一种帽子了。但有时我们用这个表达来取笑那些没有正当理由的生气的人。

We don't want to be a bee in your bonnet. So, we won't tell you again and again and again to listen to VOA Learning English.


That would be annoying. We just hope you will!


And that's all the time we have for this Words and Their Stories! Until next time . . .


I'm Anna Matteo.

