必要的青涩The Indispensability of Greenness,我来为大家讲解一下关于每日背一句day131?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!




The Indispensability of Greenness


The apples that come in season this year seem to have an especially big variety. What appeals to me is the kind that is green and not yet fully ripe.



Last weekend my girl friend and I visited one fruit shop. She laid her hands on the biggest and the reddest, as if she had not had enough of the color of spring, whereas I lingered before the farthest counter where green apples were piled inconspicuously, which I had missed for the whole winter.

linger verb[usually adv. / prep.] · to stay somewhere for longer because you do not want to leave; to spend a long time doing sth· 流连;逗留;徘徊;花很长时间做(某事);磨蹭:She lingered for a few minutes to talk to Nick. 她多待了几分钟,想跟尼克谈一谈。

conspicuous adj. · easy to see or notice; likely to attract attention· 易见的;明显的;惹人注意的:

“春色”→无论在世界上哪个角落,春天到来意味着万物复苏、鲜花盛开、姹紫嫣红。人们都喜欢春天。:直译为the color of spring能传达原作之义。



Not being able to settle the argument as to which is better, we just each bought a string bagful of the kind we respectively favored, and each was secretly laughing at the other’s inability to enjoy the real pleasures of life.


“索性”→直截了当,干脆,我们在参考译文中用just,可以达意。例句考证:“索性都捅出来”→why not just let the whole thing out?


In fact when I was a child I also liked bright red apples because red apples are ripe apples, and fully ripe apples are bound to taste sweet and refreshing.




The long process of maturity has acquainted me with the different flavors of life and causes me quite unexpectedly to fall in love with the plain sweetness peculiar to green apples, which are crisp and juicy, and taste slightly sour and puckery.


“The long process of maturity ”做主语,可使译文精练。


我们说生活中有“酸甜苦辣”可以用bitter-sweet memory,此处的“生活中诸般滋味”译作the different flavors of life。

清咖啡→plain coffee,清巧克力→plain chocolate,清水(不加任何添加剂的水)→plain water,此处的“清甜”可译作plain sweetness。




It seems to me becoming mature and living a happy and even blissful life is not life’s ultimate goal. What is more meaningful is the undergoing of various experiences and the savoring of diverse tastes in the trudge to that destination. The harshness or bitterness on the tongue constantly renews and therefore remains forever vivid and realistic.

blissful adj. · extremely happy; showing happiness· 极乐的;幸福的:We spent seven blissful weeks away from work. 我们无忧无虑地度了三个星期的假。

trudge verb, noun. to walk slowly or with heavy steps, because you are tired or carrying sth heavy· (因疲劳或负重而)步履沉重地走,缓慢地走,费力地走:He trudged the last two miles to the town. 他步履艰难地走完最后两英里到了城里。

“成熟、甜蜜乃至完美”三个名词用顿号分开,为并列结构,是指人生的两个不同阶段。“完美”此处指“生活的完美”→ mature and living a happy and even blissful life ;“甜蜜”指“生活的甜蜜”→happy;“乃至完美”的意思指“happy”的程度,胜过happy,我们译作blissful(perfect happiness完美的幸福)




“不断转变”不宜译作constantly changing,因为作者指的是人生道路不平坦,走一步有一番酸甜苦辣的体验,进一步就有一些温故而知新的感受,我们建议用renew→vi. become new again。


Similarly, children may conclude candies are the nicest things in the world. However, arriving at adulthood, these same persons will learn to appreciate tea or coffee, which tastes, so to speak, like life itself.


“底蕴”此处理解为“滋味”。我们根据上下文、根据作者使用的、贯穿全文的比喻,做这样理解:正如茶有涩味,咖啡有苦味,生活中也有类似品味,而成人之后才能体会、领略生活中的苦涩味。→However, arriving at adulthood, these same persons will learn to appreciate tea or coffee, which tastes, so to speak, like life itself.


Looking back on quickly-elapsed years, we may find that the period of innocence and naivety seems to have given us the deepest impression: loving and being loved the first time, letting the first chance slip by, unprecedentedly sorrowful feelings like fallen leaves withering fast and the first time-experienced ecstatic joys like flowers in full blossom. All these have left inerasable marks on our path of life and have demonstrated their worth of being irreplaceable.

elapse verb (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时)(formal)· if a period of time elapses, it passes· (时间)消逝,流逝 Many years elapsed before they met again. 过了许多年他们才再次相见。


“仓促来去”一般指人,此处用quickly-elapsed days。elapse(vi.)常用于正式文体。

成熟之前的天真幼稚→天真幼稚阶段: the period of innocence and naivety



“履历上留下无可涂改的痕迹”我们换用了英文中的比喻→ inerasable marks on our path of life :生活道路上无法磨去的痕迹。


There might have been such regrets as our enthusiasm being impractical and our conduct lacking in sophistication and sedateness. We might have even done wrong deeds through good intentions. Such phenomena are mere eclipses of the moon. However, one’s uninitiated and unsophisticated youth is simple and genuine. Just like the unripeness of the apple, youth’s innocence of embellishments is a logical necessity.

分号前是三个并列分句,很长,如译成三个排比译文会更长,应适当断句。“ such regrets as ”是由上下文移位至此处。



“拒绝”此处指的是“人在青少年时期敏感好学,不会对“雕饰”进行“拒绝”,只是处于天真、原始暂无“雕饰”状”。我们译作 innocence of embellishments



The greenness of youth, like an indelible birthmark, is nothing to be overly ashamed of. On the other hand, it is also a matter of great regret for a person to be “early-ripe” in this very complicated and sophisticated world, because that would have cost him many opportunities of experiencing life. Green apples overhead, may your original poeticalness abide with you forever!




“红尘”我们紧扣上文(作者喜欢、榴莲年轻时的朴素真实),把“滚滚红尘”译作this very complicated and sophisticated world。



“悬挂着吧”用 abide with you ,abide是比较古风的说法,意思是remain和dwell。


今年上市的 come in season this year

种类格外地多 have an especially big variety

我独爱……What appeals to me is ...

尚未熟透not yet fully ripe

春色the color of spring

享受真正的生活enjoy the real pleasures of life

甜美爽口taste sweet and refreshing

生活中诸般滋味the different flavors of life

清甜plain sweetness

生命的终极意义 life’s ultimate goal

唇齿之间的那一分青涩the harshness or bitterness on the tongue

更切近于生活的本质tastes like life itself

仓促来去的日子quickly-elapsed years

缺乏老练沉稳lacking in sophistication and sedateness

月蚀的缺憾eclipses of the moon
