✅今日是2022.4.6.周3早安今日分享“再来一份”英语咋说?不是 Can I have another one?,我来为大家讲解一下关于英语小常识内容?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!




早安今日分享“再来一份”英语咋说?不是 Can I have another one?


要是说 Can I have another one? 估计服务员会急忙跑过来问你出什么事了。正确说法应该怎么说?为什么不能说 Can I have another one呢?

Can I have another one?我能换一份吗?

这句话不是“再来一份”的意思,而是表示对食物不满意,问“我能换一份吗?”。而且用 Can I...? 语气比较生硬,服务员估计会觉得大事临头了,如果真的食物有问题想换一份,可以说 May I have another one? 语气会稍微缓和一点。

例句:May I have another one? It's too salty.我能换一份吗?太咸了。One more, please.麻烦再来一份。

要表达“再来一份”,可以说 One more, please,或者 Just one more, please.如果想说清楚再来一份什么,可以在 one more 后面加上食物,“再来一份馄饨”就是 one more wonton, please。

例句:Just one more mapo tofu, please. It's so yummy.麻烦再来一份麻婆豆腐,太好吃了。


第一种问法是 Would you want another helping? 这里的 helping 是名词,表示“一份”的意思,“一小份”就是 a small helping,“一大份”可以说 a generous helping。

可以说 Would you want another helping? 也可以说 Would you want a second helping? 意思是“你想要第二份吗?要不要再来一份?”

例句:Would you want another helping of chicken soup?要不要再来一份鸡汤?

How about seconds?要不要再来一份?

second 是“第二”的意思,但复数 seconds 表示“吃完第一份之后的另一份食物”,所以服务员问你 How about seconds?意思也是“要不要再来一份?”不能说 How about second? 一定要用复数哦~

例句:Anybody wants seconds of rice?有谁需要再来一份米饭吗?Care for another?要不要再来一份?

最后一种问法是 Care for another? 这句话写全了就是 Would you care for another one? 意思是“你要不要再来一份?”同样的,要表达“再来一份什么”就在 another 后面加上食物。

例句:1. You are almost done your ice cream. Care for another?你冰淇淋都要吃完了,要不要再来一个?2. Have you had enough? Care for another hamburger?你吃饱了吗?要不要再来一个汉堡?能给我一个打包盒吗?没吃完想打包,怎么跟服务员说呢?今天教大家两种说法:Can I have a to-go box?能给我一个打包盒吗?

“在这吃还是带走”是 for here or to go? 所以“打包盒”可以说成 to-go box,也就是把食物带走的盒子。“能给我一个打包盒吗?”可以说 Can I have a to-go box?

例句:- Can I have a to-go box?- Yes, I'll get you one.- 能给我一个打包盒吗?- 好的,我给你拿一个。Could you wrap it up for me?

请问能帮我打包吗?wrap 是“包、裹”的意思,wrap it up 是固定搭配,表示“把...包好”, Could you wrap it up for me? 意思就是“请问能帮我打包吗?”。

另外,wrap it up 还表示“住口,别说了”。别人说了让你心烦的事,就可以跟他说 Wrap it up!

例句:We are finished. Could you wrap it up for me?我们吃完了,请问能帮我打包吗?


I would like to reserve a table for four.我想预订四个人的位子。

Can I make a reservation for dinner tomorrow?我能预定明天的晚餐吗?

We will be here about twelve.我们大概12点钟到这。


May I order, please?可以开始点餐了吗?

May I have a menu, please?我能看看菜单吗?What specialties do you have today?今天有什么特色菜吗?


It is on me.这次我请客。Let's go Dutch.我们 AA 制吧。

Can I take the check?我可以买单吗?

Cash or credit card?现金还是刷卡?

May I have a receipt?可以给我一张收据吗?
