

Hey guys,

This is Flora.




H: Hi, English learners, welcome to the interview master—— Reality Based Talk Shows. Focusing on improving our speaking techniques on interview, by FHD-Flora, Harris and Daxiu.

D: Hi, this is Daxiu, I worked as an automotive engineer for 6 years, job duties including: Electrical components design,project meeting with foreign experts,implementing the engineering charts,products quality control and so on… For now, I'm working on early childhood education. I found this field is more suitable for me, and I can learn how to educate my baby girl as well.


F: Hello everyone, this is Flora,I've been doing foreign trade business for many years and have plenty of experience in exhibitions and reception of the clients from all over the world.


H: Hey guys, this is Harris, for me, after working in factories for years, mostly focusing on customer relationship, I started to work on English speaking education 7 years ago. Speaking is a way of mind expression. We need to show the true color of ourselves. Hope we could bring you some practical ideas for your daily speaking.


F: The topic just mentioned is 'Tell me about yourself '. Actually this is a frequently asked question during interview.

刚才主要说的是Tell me about yourself——聊聊你自己,谈谈你自己,这个在面试中常问的问题。

F: Hi Daxiu, you have been an engineer for many years, so I guess you must have attended many interviews, right? Do you have any suggestions about it?


D: Well, personally opinion, self-confidence and job relative skills are the most important points. And you should pay more attention on the work itself. I think this should always keep in mind.


H: I totally agree with you, some candidate they misunderstood this topics, then go on and on about their own hobbies and interests, even dreams in the future. It's kind of tedious right?


H: But honestly, how to make it better without sounding too much as a canned speech? Those guys behind the desks should really annoyed with prepped talk, right?


F: Well, if you ask me, I'd say the key is to be yourself. This is really important no matter for an interview or daily communications to the others. Don't be affected which means DON'T OVERDO IT. Do it in a nature way. If the interviewers ask about your interests and hobbies, you can share to them. But, keep it brief cuz instead of your other interests and hobbies, I think what the interviewers really care about are your job-related experiences and how qualified you are for the position.You can also mention about how much you like the job and why you want to apply for it.


F: Daxiu,what do you think? Will it be too simple to answer in this way?


D: Not really, answer in this way could be easier to start with the conversation. Actually, many of the “interview tips” saying in a very complex way, but in the real world, the “tips” are too hard to use. Indeed, the common philosophy thoughts of “Who I am, where I from, where should I go” accord with the European countries ways of thinking.


H: Wow, that make sense! Thank you for sharing Daxiu, that's a spirit of engineering by putting details under scrutiny. For you, Flora, any tips on showing one's proficiency nicely?

好吧。谢谢大秀分享,不愧为工程师,心思还是比较慎密的。那这边Flora 有没有一些好的表达可以体现自己的专业性的好的表达可以介绍一下呢?

F: I think leaders in a company always like those who love his job. In fact, I believe most people are looking for jobs that meet their interests. So, it sounds great if you combine your work with your personal interests. If so, you can say, I'm really into the XX industry with years of relevant experience.

For example,

I'm really into the fashion industry with years of relevant experience.

I'm really into the retail industry with years of relevant experience.

I'm really into the IT industry with years of relevant experience.


例如:I'm really into the........ industry, with years of relevant experience.

D: 我也来试一下:I'm really into the automobile industry, with years of relevant experience.

F: Yeah,I'm really into the trading industry, with years of relevant experience.

H: Great, I'm really into the trading industry, with years of relevant experience.

H: What a nice way! So, we've learned how to take the interview through delightful, and sincere attitude. What recruiters really want is know your true intention and thought.Don’t even bother to cram yourself with all those so called fancy expression!


Thank you for listening. By the way, if you are interested in IELTS speaking lesson, please scan my code beneath.
