cloth, clothes, clothing 和dress

1. cloth是不可数名词,“布料”,但作“桌布”讲时,是可数名词。

How much cloth does it take to make a coat for the child?


a table cloth一张桌布

a dish cloth一张餐巾

2. clothes只用复数,指具体的衣服。包括外套、西装、衬衣、裤子、鞋、帽等。它不能和表示具体数目的数词连用。不能说 a clothes, six clothes可以说many( these,a few, my, an article of, a suit of)clothes。

3. clothing是集体名词,指衣服、服装的总称,不能用复数,表示泛指。

The shop sells children's clothing especially.


4. dress作可数名词时,指妇女穿的“裙子”。作不可数名词时与 clothing同义,指“服装、衣服”。

We had a very quick change and her dress was put on inside out.


Modest dress means that hemlines must be below the knee.


什么样的衣服高级 区别衣服(1)
