安道尔2002年1分硬币(收于2020年)安道尔全称安道尔公国;位于西南欧法国和西班牙交界处的议会制君主立宪制内陆国。欧洲多个“袖珍国”之一; 国土总面积:468平方公里,人口数量:72589人(2019年);首都:安道尔城;国家元首由法国总统和西班牙地方主教共同担任,称为两大公;首相为政府首脑,由议会选举产生、两大公任命。首相:安东尼·马蒂·佩蒂特。

安道尔,含义为覆盖灌木的土地。本名字面义为安道拉谷地。9世纪时查理曼帝国为防范摩尔人的骚扰而在西班牙边境地带建立的小缓冲国。1278年,法、西缔结和约,决定共管安道尔,并对各自在经济、法律、军事等方面的权限进行分工,安道尔由此成为公国。 1793年,法国因爆发大革命而暂时失去对安道尔的统治权。1933年,法国以世界经济大萧条导致社会动荡之名,占领安道尔。第二次世界大战期间,安道尔维持中立,成为维希法国与西班牙之间的走私重镇。1982年1月4日实行体制改革,行政权从议会改由政府行使。1993年3月14日,安道尔全民公决,通过了有史以来第一部《宪法》;安道尔成为一个独立的主权国家。继续沿用两大公政治体制。




Andorra's full name is the Principality of Andorra; located in southwest Europe, France and Spain on the border of the parliamentary monarchy inland country. It is one of the "pocket states" in Europe; it has a total land area of 468 square kilometers and a population of 72589 (in 2019); its capital is Andorra city; the head of state is jointly held by the French president and the local bishop of Spain, known as the two great lords; the prime minister is the head of government, elected by Parliament and appointed by the two great lords. Prime Minister:Antoni Marty Petit.

Andorra means land covered with shrubs. The original name means Andorra valley. In the 9th century, the Charlemagne Empire established a small buffer state on the Spanish border to guard against Moorish harassment. In 1278, France and Spain concluded a peace treaty, and decided to jointly manage Andorra, and divided their respective economic, legal and military powers. Andorra became a principality. In 1793, France temporarily lost its rule over Andorra because of the great revolution. In 1933, France occupied Andorra in the name of social unrest caused by the world economic depression. During the Second World War, Andorra remained neutral and became an important smuggling town between Vichy France and Spain. The system reform was carried out on January 4, 1982. The executive power was changed from parliament to government. On March 14, 1993, Andorra adopted the first constitution in history through a referendum. Andorra became an independent and sovereign state. We will continue to use the two public political systems.

Since its independence in 1993, Andorra has gradually established and developed independent foreign relations and pursued an active and open foreign policy. On July 28, 1993, Andorra joined the United Nations, and then successively joined the International Telecommunication Union, the international labor organization, the International Red Cross, the World Health Organization, the world intellectual property organization, the world tourism organization, the European Commission, and the European security and cooperation group International and regional organizations such as ICAO and ICAO. Andorra also pursues a policy of peace, good neighbourliness and friendship, focusing on the development of relations with Spain, France and EU countries. On 29 June 1994, Andorra officially established diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level with China.

Andorra is a highly developed capitalist country. Its economy is mainly animal husbandry; tourism is also quite developed; government revenue mainly comes from taxes on imports and banks, indirect taxes on oil and other products, and income from issuing stamps. On July 1, 1991, Andorra joined the European customs union and implemented a low tax system without income tax, which was called "tax free paradise"; Andorra implemented free compulsory education from primary school to high school, mainly implementing three education systems: (1) Andorra education, accounting for 38%, is responsible for by the Angolan government. (2) Spanish education, accounting for 30%, is distributed by the Ministry of education in Spain. (3) French education, accounting for 32%, is in the charge of France. The Ministry of education plans to teach in French. France and Spain are mainly responsible for its national defense.

Andorra has no domestic currency and foreign exchange is freely convertible. Spanish peseta and French franc are commonly used in the country. At the beginning of 2001, it unilaterally declared euro as one of its currencies. Since January 1, 2002, it has used euro as payment currency. The main picture on the obverse of this coin shows the denomination, and the portrait of Charlemagne, the great barbarian. Charlemagne is brave and good at war, and has a clear distinction between good and evil. During his 44 years in power, he launched 55 wars, large and small, conquered and controlled most of the territory of Europe, and under the guidance of angels, he shouldered the responsibility of defending the Christian world. The main picture on the back shows the name of the country, the year of issue and the national emblem of Andorra. The national emblem reflects the status of Andorra under the dual protection of France and Spain. Its central pattern is a shield emblem divided into four parts: a golden Bishop's crown and a bishop's Scepter are painted on the red ground in the upper left corner, which is the symbol of the Archbishop of uguel in Spain; there are four red bars on the gold ground in the lower left corner, representing the autonomous region of Catalonia in Spain, which is Andorra The birthplace of custom and language; the two yellow cattle in the lower right corner are the emblem of Earl Bern, the successor of the Earl of voix; there are three red bars on the gold field in the upper right corner, which are the emblem of Earl fux, the original protector of Andorra. At the bottom of the national emblem is an Andorran motto: "unity is strength".


