FIN comes from Latin noun finis "boundary, end"(边界, 末尾).



final ['faɪnl] adj. 最终的;决定性的;不可更改的 n. 决赛;期末考试;当日报纸的末版

[拆] fin(end) al(of...) -> ...的末尾 --> 最终的; 决赛


adj in a series of events, things, or people, the final one is the last one. 最后的 [det adj]; adj final means happening at the end of an event or series of events. 最终的 [adj n]; adj if a decision or someone's authority is final, it cannot be changed or questioned. 不可更改的; n-count the final is the last game or contest in a series and decides who is the winner. 决赛


quarterfinal [,kwɔ:tə'fainəl] n 四分之一决赛 <quarter = four>

semifinal [,sɛmaɪ'faɪnəl] n 半决赛 <semi = half>

finally adv 最终地

finalize v 使结束

finalist n 决赛选手

finality n 最后定居


Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a communications satellite from its useless orbit. 宇航员们今天将做最后一次尝试,把一颗通讯卫星从它无用的轨道上拯救出来

finish ['fɪnɪʃ] v. 完成; 结束; 用尽(所剩之物); (竞赛) 获……成绩; (英式足球)进球;(非正式) 使筋疲力尽; 对(物件)最后加工; 结束(牲畜)的肥育; (少女)进上流社会做准备 n. 结局; 抛光; 最后精细加工; 结束; (比赛的) 终点, 最后阶段; 饰面;

[拆] fin(end) ish(v后缀) -> 结束


refinish v 返工修光

unfinished adj 未完成的

finale [fɪ'næli] n. 结局;终曲;最后一场;最后乐章;尾声 <TEM8>

[拆] fin(end) ale(n后缀 表音乐) -> 尾声


n-count thefinale of a show, piece of music, or series of shows is the last part of it or the last one of them, especially when this is exciting or impressive. (演出的) 终场; (音乐的) 终曲

finance ['faɪnæns] n. 财政,财政学;金融 vt. 负担经费,供给…经费 vi. 筹措资金 <CET4 TEM4>

[拆] fin(fine2 to punish by money penalty) ance(the act or manner) --> 引申为处理金钱实物 --> 财政


v-t when someone finances something such as a project or a purchase, they provide the money that is needed to pay for them. 资助; n-uncount finance is also a noun. 资助; n-uncount finance is the commercial or government activity of managing money, debt, credit, and investment. 金融; 财政 [also n in pl]; n-uncount you can refer to the amount of money that you have and how well it is organized as your finances. 财务状况 [also n in pl]


refinance v 再为...筹钱

financial adj 金融的; 财政的


The fund has been used largely to finance the construction of federal prisons. 该基金大部分已用于资助联邦监狱的建造

finite ['faɪnaɪt] adj. 有限的;限定的 n. 有限之物 <CET6 TEM4>

[拆] fin(end) ite(adj/n后缀) --> 能够结束的; 能到边界的 --> 有限的


adj something that is finite has a definite fixed size or extent. 有限的 [正式]

● 拓展

infinitive n 不定词

infinite adj 无限的 --> infinity n 无限 --> infinitesimal(托)adj 无限小的

infinitude n 无限无数


Only a finite number of situations can arise. 只有有限的几种情况可能会出现

confine [kən'faɪn] v. 限制;禁闭;(因疾病、残疾)无法离开(床 、家、轮椅);将 (自己或自己的活动) 局限于;(妇女)卧床分娩 n. (尤指某个地方限制行动自由的)边界;(尤指学科或活动领域的的)范围;限制 <CET4 TEM6>

[拆] con(together) fin(end) e --> 连在一起的界限 --> 边界/限制在某个边界里面


confined adj 有限制的

confinement n 限制; 禁闭


He was confined in an internment camp in utah. 他被监禁在犹他州的一个拘留营里

define [dɪ'faɪn] vt. 定义;使明确;规定 <CET4 TEM4>

[拆] de(intensive) fin e --> 加强界限 --> 定义; 规定


v-t if you define something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its limits are, or what it is like. 给…下定义; 解释


definite adj 明确的 definitely adv 明确地

definition n 定义

redefine v 重新定义 redefinition n 重新定义

definitive adj 决定性的

indefinable adj 不能下定义的


The powers of a judge are defined by law. 法官的权威是由法律决定的.

affinity [ə'fɪnəti] n. 密切关系;吸引力;姻亲关系;类同 <CET6 TEM8>

[拆] af(to,intensive) fin ity --> 强调在一定范围之内 --> 吸引力


n-sing if you have an affinity with someone or something, you feel that you are similar to them or that you know and understand them very well. 亲切感


He has a close affinity with the landscape and people he knew when he was growing up. 他对他成长过程中所熟悉的景色和人们有一种很强的亲切感

refine [rɪ'faɪn] vt. 精炼,提纯;改善;使…文雅 <CET4 TEM4>

[拆] re(prefix intensive) fine -> make fine --> 改善


v-t when a substance is refined, it is made pure by having all other substances removed from it. 提炼 [usu passive]; v-t if something such as a process, theory, or machine is refined, it is improved by having small changes made to it. 完善 [usu passive]


refinement n 精致; 高尚

refinery n 精炼厂

refined adj 精制的; 精确的


Surgical techniques are constantly being refined. 外科手术技术正在不断得到完善

