Hi my friends. If you look at the best friends of the beautiful girls, you will see that they are also beautiful. 大家好,如果你去看那些美女的好朋友们, 你会发现她们也都是美女!


If you look at the best friends of the rich people, you will see that they are also rich. Right? 如果你去看那些有钱人的好朋友, 你会发现他们也都是有钱人!对不对?

Now, you understand that that’s the attraction of friendship. 现在,你明白这个道理了, 这就是朋友之间的吸引力!

No big gap, same people, easy to communicate. That’s the attraction of friendship. 没有较大的差距,同类人群, 交流没有障碍! 这就是朋友之间的吸引力!
