
1. admission to / into 进入; 获准进入

2. take advantage of 利用,趁...之机, 占...的便宜; 欺骗

3. make an agreement with 与...达成协议

4. make/offer an apology to sb. 向某人道歉

5. make an appeal to sb. 向某人发出呼吁; 恳求

6. rise to the challenge 接受挑战,迎战

7. take a chance 冒险;投机

8. take charge of 管理,接管,掌管,负责,看管

9. lay a claim to sth. 声称对某事物有权利

10. set up a claim to sth. 提出对某事物的要求

11. pay attention to 注意,关心

12. have an authority over 对...有(行使)权利

13. keep one’s balance 保持(身体)平衡

14. set up a barrier between 在...中间设置障碍

15. belief in 相信

16. apply for 请求;申请(工作等)

17. make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会

18. approach to 通往...的方法;接近;近乎于

19. come to sb.’s assistance 帮助某人

20. make an attempt to do sth. 试图做某事,尝试做某事,企图做某事
