抖音现在是男女老少都喜欢玩的视频软件,高兴了还可以自己拍一个视频玩,最近有首歌在抖音里面很火,来看看抖音歌词里有in your head什么歌 ?

抖音歌 in your head(抖音歌词里有inyourhead什么歌)(1)

In your head in your head歌名:

这句歌词出自爱尔兰摇滚乐队The Cranberries演唱的一首反战歌曲《Zombie》,此歌曲当年在澳大利亚、比利时、丹麦和德国单曲榜上夺得冠军位置,因为李宇春在参加超级女声的比赛唱过这首歌而被国内观众熟知。



Another head hangs lowly,child is slowly taken(又一颗低垂的头颅,孩子被缓缓夺去性命)

And the violence caused such silence,Who are we mistaken(残暴造就了沉寂,到底谁是罪魁祸首?)

But you see it`s not me,it`s not my family(但你明白,不是我,更不是我的家人)

In your head,in your head,they are fighting(你的脑海中浮现出手足相残的画面)

With their tanks,and their bombs,And their bombs,and their guns(开着坦克,拿着炸弹,所有武器一起上阵)

In your head,in your head they are crying(你的脑海中浮现出众人悲泣的画面)

In your head,in your head(你的脑海中,你的脑海中)


what`s in your headIn your head,(你的脑海中浮现出怎样的画面?你的脑海中)


Another mother`s breaking heart is taken over(又一位母亲破碎的心被无情地夺去)

When the violence causes silence,We must be mistaken(残暴造就了沉寂,我们都是罪魁祸首)

It`s the same old theme since 1916(在2018年同样的悲剧再次上演)

In your head,in your head they`re still fighting(你的脑海中浮现出,他们依然在自相残杀的画面)

With their tanks,and their bombs。And their bombs,and their guns(开着坦克,拿着炸弹,所有武器一起上阵)

In your head,in your head they are dying,In your head,in your head(你脑海中浮现出他们奄奄一息的画面。你的脑海中,你的脑海中)

Zombie,Zombie,Zombie(行尸走肉,行尸走肉)what`s in your headIn your head,(你的脑海中浮现出怎样的画面?)

