















开学第118天:升旗仪式讲安全 工会活动赛程满

2021-12-27 Monday周一Sunny晴Too many of our prejudices are like pyramids upside down. They rest on tiny, trivial incidents, but they spread upward and outward until they fill our minds. —William McChesney Martin 我们的许多偏见像是颠倒的金字塔,它们来自琐碎、不重要的小事,但是往上延 伸扩大直到充斥于我们的内心。—威廉‧麦克切斯尼‧马丁

William McChesney Martin is the ninth and longest serving Chairman of the Federal Reserve, having served with five U.S. presidents (Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon). His job, he once said, was to "take away the wine jar while the party is in progress" and to secure higher interest rates. 威廉‧麦克切斯尼‧马丁是美国第 9 任也是任职时间最长的美联储主席,与 5 位美 国总统共事过(杜鲁门、艾森豪、肯尼迪、约翰逊、尼克松)。 他曾说,他的 工作是「在盛宴进行时,拿走酒坛」,为升息政策护航。 重点词汇注释 prejudices /ˈpredʒədɪsɪz/ n. 偏见,成见,歧视;<法律>损害,侵害(prejudice 的复数)pyramids /ˈpɪrəmɪdz/ n. (埃及)金字塔(pyramid 的复数)upside /ˈʌpsaɪd/ n. 好的一面,优势;(股票价格)上涨 tiny /ˈtaɪni/ adj. 极小的,微小的 trivial /ˈtrɪviəl/ adj. 琐碎的,不重要的;容易解决的,不费吹灰之力的 incidents /ˈɪnsədənts/ v. 事件;事变;插曲(incident 的复数)spread /spred/ v. 展开,打开;张开,伸开(手臂、手指、腿);扩散,蔓延;传播,传染 upward /ˈʌpwərd/ adj. 升高的,上升的;向上的,朝上的 adv. 向上,向高处;改善,升高;(数量)上升地,上涨地 outward /ˈaʊtwərd/ adj. 外表的,表面的;(特定方面)可见的,外部的;朝 外的,向外的;(旅程)往外地的,外出的 adv. 向外,朝外;自身之外;明 显地,公然地 fill /fɪl/ v. (使)充满,占满;堵塞,填补;满足;(声音、气味或光)遍及, 弥漫minds /maɪndz/ n. 思想;主意(mind 的复数)v. 介意;照顾;留心(min d 的第三人称单数)。In spite of a low monthly income,he makes up his mind to make a charity donation of l0000 yuan every year.尽管每月收入低,他还是下决心要每年捐款l0000元。介词短语的用法:In spite of 尽管;不管,不顾:In spite of my outward calm I was very shaken. 尽管表面看似镇静,我内心却非常慌乱。In case of 万一;如果发生;假设:It would be safer to take more money with you in case of emergency. 多带点钱保险些,以防急用。In terms of 依据;按照;在……方面:The spreadsheet application is second only to word processing in terms of popularity. 就受欢迎程度而言,电子制表软件仅次于文字处理软件。In possession of 拥有,占有:The gang was caught in possession of stolen goods. 这伙人被逮住,人赃俱获。In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. —Thomas Jefferson风格问题上,可以随波逐流;原则问题上,必须坚如磐石。

Winter has come, because of the cold weather and dry climate, it is also a season of fire accidents, traffic accidents and personal injury accidents. For the school's security and stability, prevent all kinds of accidents, put forward the following requirements: the office, classroom, all the places of electricity, gas, chemicals, conduct a comprehensive inspection, if potential safety problems are found, give a timely rectification, without leaving any blind spots. Rainy, snowy, foggy weather in winter with poor flexibility of human joints and slow response, on the way to school everyone should pay attention to traffic safety. Follow the traffic rules; Take special care not to take unlicensed vehicles and vehicles in poor condition. We should, as always, do a good job in the prevention of all kinds of influenza, do a good job in personal hygiene, and strictly prevent diseases from entering the mouth. In winter, rivers and roads are often frozen and prevent accidents due to icy roads; Do not play on the ice, in cold weather, do not mop the floor with water; Up or down stairs, outdoor activities, try to walk slowly, do not run. For physical exercise, extracurricular activities, the amount of sport should be moderate, sweating should be avoided to prevent cold. Winter is the fire season, do not bring flammable, explosive dangerous goods into the campus; During the festival, firecrackers are strictly prohibited without parental supervision; Do not place flammable items beside the heater when using it. Turn off unused electrical appliances and gas to prevent fire accidents and gas poisoning. Safety work is not a small matter, safety responsibility is weightier than Mount Tai. Fire and car accidents are the top killers in the nine major categories. Many traffic and fire accidents, rarely intentional, are the result of a little negligence, the occasional paralysis. Life is precious, in the face of life we only cherish, in the face of the beautiful campus, we need to care. In order to make us have a safe and stable environment, we hope the consciousness of people and things safety into our own actions, jointly create a safe environment, so that danger away from our lives, let happiness accompany us all our life.冬季已经来临,由于天气寒冷,气候干燥,是火灾事故、交通事故和人身伤害事故的多发季节,为了学校的安全与稳定,防止各类事故发生,提出如下要求:各办公室、专用教室、所有场所的用电、用气、化学品进行一次全面检查,发现安全隐患及时整改,不留盲区。冬季雨、雪、雾天气多,人体关节的灵活性差,反应缓慢,在上、下学路上要注意交通安全。做到红灯停、绿灯行;特别要注意,不乘坐无证和车况差的车辆。要一如既往地做好各类流感的预防工作,搞好个人卫生,严防病从口入。冬天,河流、路面常有结冰情况,防止因路滑发生事故;不要在冰上玩耍,遇到结冰天气,不用水拖地;上、下楼梯、户外活动要慢步行走,不要奔跑。进行体育锻炼、课外活动,量要适度,出汗多时,把汗水及时擦干,防止感冒。冬季是火灾多发季节,不带易燃、易爆危险物品进入校园;节日期间,严禁在没有家长的监护下放鞭炮;使用取暖器时,不要把易燃物品放置在旁边;对不用的电器、燃气要关闭,防止火灾事故和煤气中毒。安全工作无小事,安全责任重于泰山。火灾和车祸是九大类事故的头号杀手,很多交通和火灾事故,极少是有人故意所为的,都是一点点的疏忽,偶尔的一次麻痹发生了这些悲剧。生命是宝贵的,面对生命我们只有珍惜,面对美丽的校园,我们需要呵护。为使我们拥有一个安全稳定的环境,希望大家把人和物的安全意识化为自己的行动,共同创造安全的环境,让危险远离我们的生活,让幸福陪伴我们一生。

New Year's Day activities: Monday at 4:00 PM air volleyball match in the gym. Senior one, Senior two, Senior three, administrative round robin, best of three games, each team has at least one female teacher. PE teachers belong to each grade. Referee: Hu Lanying, Xu Dongbing. Tuesday afternoon walk at 4pm, meet under the big screen in the front area. Wednesday 4:00 p.m. gym, fun games, basketball. Thursday afternoon karaoke competition. Each grade will be organized by the group leader. 迎元旦活动安排:周一下午四点体育馆气排球比赛。高一、高二、高三、行政循环赛,三局两胜制,每队至少有一名女老师。体育老师归各个年级。裁判:胡兰英、许东兵。周二下午四点健步走,校前区大屏幕下集合。周三下午四点体育馆,趣味游戏,篮球赛。周四下午卡拉OK比赛。各年级由组长组织人员参加。

By the way, Robust is absent for going out to re-submit the ID card, and another two girl students are not themselves today and ask for leave to see doctor in hospital. But still feel uncomfortable in the afternoon about the stomach. In fact the best way to stop eating once or twice or three meals and it will be OK soon, or at least better than have some medicine. After supper all the students of Senior One get together in the hall to have a conclusion meeting about the periodic examination. Then I have a talk with Solar, Consonant, Joyful, Sagacious and encourage them from their quick response in class and I am waiting for their good results in the coming final exam.

