
1.paper towel 纸巾

Five minutes later, he's back with the bread, a bottle of milk,and three rolls of paper towerls.


2.belch =burp=hiccup 打嗝 blech 呸

belch out 冒出,喷出大量烟雾,火焰等

a line of chimneys belching out smoke

3.deception欺骗,骗术。呃,跟reception 接待,招待会,服务台,问询处好像,我当然搞混过。

4.explain for a million times =explain for millionth time 形容解释过很多次

5e clean 动词短语,全盘招供,坦白交代

After a long time ,he finally comes clean what he had done to the victim.

6.desperate 重音节在第一个/ˈdespərət/ promise /ˈprɑːmɪs/今天把短i又发成长的i:了,是很短的(我确实需要记住这些很细节的问题,写在这里有些突兀,但是我不写还是会忘)

7.lame 瘸的,差劲的,站不住脚的

lame explanation/excuse

lame 无聊的(非正式)

8.let it rip 顺其自然吧 ,让(船,车)马力全开(非正式)

put your foot on the gas and let it/her rip


9.say读sei,says 的读音sez


11.potent 有效的,有权势的,强有力的,有说服力的(看似简单,记得不熟悉)

Beauty is potent.


a potent drug


potent arguments 有说服力的证据

12.texture 质地(衣服摸起来rough 还是smooth) rough/silky texture


creamy/crunchy/meaty texture

crunchy 又不知道了对吧,来

crunch n 咬碎声,扎扎地踏 vt,vi 咬碎,嘎吱嘎吱地嚼,嘎吱嘎吱地踏过

crunchy adj 易碎的,发嘎吱嘎吱声的

13.jumble n 杂乱,混乱的一堆东西v 搞乱,混杂

a jumble of earthen-walled or brightly painted concrete houses

一堆土房和粉刷得鲜亮的混凝土房子(earthen 土制的,陶制的,地球上的)

a jumble of old toys

Inside, she was a jumble of emotions.内心各种感情,一团乱麻

14.fracture n,骨折,破裂 v 破裂,折断

a fractured country

The British left fractured and insisted on choosing an unelectable leader


He's in hospital with concussion and multiple fractures.


15.slaughter /ˈslɒːtər/n 屠杀,v 屠杀,杀戮

be ceremonially slaughtered 节日祭品宰杀

16vestock 家畜,牲畜 /ˈlaɪvstɑːk/

We experience a lot of problems because we depend on livestock in our livelihood.

17.reservoir/ˈrezərvwɑːr, -vɔːr/水库,汇集。对了,以ir 结尾的单词我记着好困难,读音,写法都要忘。比如souvenir /ˈsuːvənɪr/纪念品 memoir/ˈmemwɑːr/ 回忆录(发音没按套路来)

18.underdog 失败者,受压迫者

The film is about underdogs rising to claim the limelight 这部电影是关于失败者“逆袭”的故事

19.dismissive 轻视的,蔑视的

a dismissive shrug

dismissive of 不屑一顾

这个dismissive 跟submissive/səbˈmɪsɪv/ 有关系吧!!submissive 服从的,唯命是从的

20.juvenile prank 我就晕了,少年厚木板?在这里是几个意思……天,原来记混了plank才是 厚木板,prank 恶作剧,juvenile prank 少年的恶作剧

juvenile/ˈdʒuːvənəl, -naɪl/

play a prank on sb


  1. It's wise to _______your property against storm damage.(给...投保)

  2. Tom promised to pay back_______in a month.(连本带利)

  3. The_______showed that the store was overstocked.(清单)

  4. My family haven't decide where to go for the vacation.My dad _________my mom.(意见不合)

  5. The night market is a(an) ________ of local people's life style. (缩影,典范)

  6. Models are supposed to wear_______jewellery.(闪闪发亮的,俗丽的,浮华的)

  7. The injury may keep him out of football_______.(永远地)

  8. It turned out that he was just ________(无用的,无用之人,无益的)

  9. Trust me .The new diplomatic policy will_________(凑效,有结果)

  10. New technology has _______new business opportunities.(造成,大量产生,酿成)


  1. The poor boy is treated as an(a) outcast by other children.(被排斥者,被抛弃者)

  2. The meal is a rip-off and the service was appalling.(要了高价,敲诈)

  3. You're not chickening out, are you?.(临阵退缩)

  4. He never expected him to strike it rich (一夜暴富,突然暴富)

  5. He could hardly scraped toghether enough money for the train fare.(凑够钱)

  6. They suffered long hours, unsafe working conditions and skimpy pay(不足的,不够的,吝啬的,小而暴露的)

  7. A piercing,bloodcurdling shriek split the silence.(毛骨悚然的,恐怖的)

  8. Starting a new business can be a risky undertaking (任务,事业,工作)

  9. The company was later declared insolvent(破产的,无力偿还账务的)

10.I borrowed $2000,which was to be paid back in monthly installment of $250(分期付款)


