Lynette是一个性格坚强、做事干练、说话率直的人,她力图做一个好母亲,但也在强大压力下感到力不从心她的三个几岁的儿子(特别是双胞胎)非常顽皮,带给了她无穷无尽的麻烦:在Mary Alice葬礼后的聚会上,孩子们跳进了游泳池戏水,Lynette穿着套装冲进游泳池......,今天小编就来说说关于美剧办公室角色:跟着美剧学口语?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



Lynette是一个性格坚强、做事干练、说话率直的人,她力图做一个好母亲,但也在强大压力下感到力不从心。她的三个几岁的儿子(特别是双胞胎)非常顽皮,带给了她无穷无尽的麻烦:在Mary Alice葬礼后的聚会上,孩子们跳进了游泳池戏水,Lynette穿着套装冲进游泳池......


1.ease vt. 减轻,缓和;使安心 adj. easy adv. easily

Ease up! 放轻松。
Ease up! 可用于要别人“减轻或缓和(某种行为)”,如要别人走路走慢一点就一说Ease up,you're goingtoo fast! "慢点,你走得太快了。"
让别人干活别那么拼命也可以说Ease up on the schedule.

相当于我们说的Take it easy when you are on the stage.上台不要紧张。
另外,当你对某种现象持有不同意见,想劝解他人在某件事上有所缓和或劝对方冷静下来时就可以说Ease up.相当于我们常说的Calm down!
2.vampire:['væmpaɪə]吸血鬼 aware of:看到,注意到

Ow!Ease up,you little vampire.噢!放轻松。
Mrs.Huber:Lynette!I've been looking all over for you.Lynette,我正到处找你。
Mrs.Huber:Are you aware of what your sons are doing?你知道你儿子在干什么吗?

cannonball v.以极快速度移动;抱膝跳水

Lynette: What are you doing? We are at a wake.你们在干什么?这可是个告别会。

Son:Oh,my god. You said we could go in the pool.天啊,你说过我们可以游泳的。

Lynette: I said you could go by the pool. 我说的是你们可以游泳池旁边。

Do you have your swimsuits on?你们穿泳衣了吗?

Son: Yeah,we put'em on ourselves before we left.穿了,出门前穿的。

Lynette: You three planned this. All right. That's it. Get out.你们三个计划好的是吗。够了,出来。

Son:No. No.

Lynette: I'm your mother, You have to do what I said. Come on.我是你们的妈妈。照我说的做,快点。

Son:We want to swim. You can't stop us.

Lynette: Here.

Get out.

Think I won't get in this pool and just grab you?Get out.Get over here.All right.Give my your arm.

Paul ,We have to leave now. Once again. I'm so sorry for your loss.你妻子的事我感到很遗憾。
