








1. 谓语是be(am/is/are)的一般现在时。

①肯定形式:主语 be 表语(形容词、名词充当表语)。

I am hungry.

You are beautiful.

He is a doctor.

②否定形式:主语 be not 表语(形容词、名词充当表语)。

I am not hungry.

You aren't beautiful.

He isn't a doctor.

③一般疑问句形式:Be 主语 表语(形容词、名词充当表语)?肯定回答:Yes,主语 be. 否定回答:No, 主语 be not.

—Are you hungry?

—Yes,I am./No,I'm not.

—Is he a doctor?

—Yes, he is./No, he isn,t.

④特殊疑问句形式:特殊疑问词 Be开头的一般疑问句?

—What is he?

—He is a doctor.


2. 谓语动词是实义动词(及物动词或不及物动词)的一般现在时。

①肯定形式:“主语 及物动词 宾语”或“主语 不及物动词”。

She has a little brother.


The sun rises in the east.


②否定形式:“主语 don't/doesn't 及物动词 宾语”或“主语 don't/doesn't 不及物动词”。

She doesn't have a little brother.


I don't eat every morning.


③一般疑问句形式:“Do/Does 主语 及物动词原形 宾语”或“Do/Does 主语 不及物动词原形”。

肯定回答:Yes,主语 do/does. 否定回答是:No, 主语 don't/doesn't.

—Do you eat every morning?

—Yes, I do./No, I don't.

—Does she have a little brother?

—Yes, she does./No, she doesn't.

④特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 do/does开头的一般疑问句?

What do you like?

When do you go to school?


3. 谓语是情态动词can/may... 动词原形的一般现在时。

①肯定形式:主语 情态动词can/may..... 动词原形 宾语。

I can finish my homework.

②否定形式:主语 情态动词can/may..... not 动词原形 宾语。

I can't finish my homework.

③一般疑问句形式:情态动词Can/May..... 主语 动词原形 主语 宾语。肯定回答是:Yes,主语 情态动词. 否定回答是:No, 主语 情态动词 not.

—Can you finish your homework?

—Yes,I can./No, I can't.

④特殊疑问句形式:特殊疑问词 情态动词can/may.....开头的一般疑问句?

—What can you do?

—I can do my homework.

注意:情态动词can/may..... 动词原形。


1. 一般现在时表示现在的状态 ;表示经常性或习惯性的动作;表示主语具备的性格和能力;表示客观事实或普遍真理等。例如:

He is twelve.


I go to school at seven every day.


They can speak Japanese.


2. 一般现在时常和表示时间的频度副词连用。如:often, usually, sometimes, always, never等。例如:

I often read books in the evening.


Do they usually go to school by bike?


He doesn’t like milk. He never drinks it.


Sometimes my mother gets back at five.


3. 一般现在时也常和以下时间表达法连用。如:in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at noon, at night, every day, on Sunday(s), at seven 等。例如:

Do they have math in the morning?


She sleeps nine hours every night.


It takes me two hours to do my homework every day.


They don’t have classes on Sundays.


4. 一般现在时表示将来含义

a. 下列瞬时动词come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return的一般现在时可以表示将来,主要用来表示在时间上已确定或安排好的事情。

例如:The train leaves at six tomorrow morning. 火车明天上午六点开。

----When does the bus star? 汽车什么时候开?

----It stars in ten minutes. 十分钟后。

b. 在主从复合句中,当主句是一般将来时,时间或条件状语从句的谓语动词只能用一般现在时来表示将来要发生的动作,即所谓的“主将从现”。

例如:When Bill comes (不是will come), ask him to wait for me. 比尔来后,让他等我。

I'll write to you as soon as I arrive there. 我到了那里,就写信给你。


1. 动词原形后面直接加-s





2. 在以字母s, x,ch,sh,o结尾的动词后加-es






3. 辅音字母加y结尾的动词变y为i,再加-es





4. 特殊变化 





(2019北京) Sam ______with his friends every weekend.

A. skates B. is skating C. has skated D. was skating

【析】正确答案:A 。句意是:每个周末,山姆都和朋友们一起滑冰。根据句末的频度副词短语every weekend(每周末)可知,句子表示的动作具有经常性,所以动词应使用一般现在时。


(2019青海)----What did you learn in geography yesterday?

----I learned that the sun _____ in the east.

A. was rising B.rises C.rose

【析】正确答案:B。句意是:昨天的地理课上你学了什么? 我学了太阳从东边升起来。太阳从东边升起来,表示的客观事实,一种自然现象,所以,句中的动词应使用一般现在时,因此,正确答案为B。


(2019山东临沂)---I'm getting hungry. Do you know where we can get some good food?

--- Of course! There ____________ a restaurant around the comer.

A. will be B. was C. is

【析】正确答案:C。句意是:我很饿。你知道哪儿可以弄到吃的吗? 当然!拐角附近有一家饭馆。“拐角附近有一家饭馆”表示的是客观事实,所以句中动词应使用一般现在时。动词be的一般现在时为is。因此,正确答案为C。


(2019广西贵港)---If the traffic _______busy, Linda won' t catch the train in one hour.

---I know I will call her to leave for the train station at once.

A.is B.will be C.was D.has been

【析】正确答案A。句意是:如果交通拥堵的话,琳达一个小时后就不会赶上这趟列车。我知道,我会打电话给她,让她立刻就去火车站。因为这是if引导的条件状语从句,主语为一般将来时won’t catch the train in one hour,所以,从句用一般现在时表示将来,所以动词be应改为第三人称单数形式is,因此,正确答案为A。



1.(2019四川广安)That music_________ (听起来)very beautiful.I like it a lot.

2.(2019四川凉山州)The Russian soup s_____ very nice. I can’t wait to drink it.

3.(2019江苏盐城)There are many rocks in unusual shapes ----Some hang down , and others ______ (指向)upwards.

4.(2019湖北荆门) This kind of special noodles t so delicious that I can’t help asking for more.

5.(2019广西北部湾经济开发区)Every time I want to give up, my parents always____(鼓励)me to keep trying.

6.(2019黑龙江绥化)I ______ (发送)an e--mail to my pen pal in England once a week.

7.(2019贵州铜仁) It t__________ us 90 minutes from Tongren to Guiyang by high speed train.

8.(2019贵州铜仁)The early bird c__________ the worm.

9.(2019广西百色)I p______ milk to cola because milk is much healthier, I think.

10.(2019新疆建设兵团) Li Rui _____(弹奏)the guitar after school every day.


1.(2019山东青岛) Jack is a good learner because he always _______(connect) what he needs to learn with something interesting.

2.(2019浙江宁波)We can see clearly that Mongolia_______ (位于) between China and Russia on the map.

3.(2019江苏南京)There (be) many things to enjoy about traveling, including the natural beauty and delicious food.

4.(甘肃庆阳) An apple_________(keep )the doctor away.

5.(2019江苏扬州)The silk scarf is pretty and ______ her blue coat very well . (match)

6.(2019江苏盐城)About 300 to 1000 red--crowned cranes ______(fly) to Yancheng Nature Reserve every year to spend the winter.

7.(2019甘肃敦)Our geography teacher told us the moon________(circle)the earth every 28 days.

8.(2019甘肃煌) I like teachers who________(be)always friendly, helpful and fair to each student.

9.(2019甘肃兰州)Li Lei is interested in English and he ____(watch) BBC News every day.

10.(2019江苏无锡) We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What ___________(matter) is the part we choose act on. That’s who we really are.


1.(四川自贡) If the singer_______to Zigong_____September 20th, please call me.

A. will get; on B. gets; on C. gets; in

2.(2019四川达州)---Jeff, could you tell me if it ______ tomorrow? If it _____ tomorrow, I will stay at home.

---It’s reported that it will be sunny, let’s go camping on the Fenghuang mountain.

A. rain; rain B.rains; rains C.will rain ; rains D.will rain; will rain

3.(2019四川南充).----Daddy, when will we go out to fly a kite?

---As soon as the rain_______.

A. is stopping B. stopped C. will stop D. stops

4.(2019江苏盐城)Each of us ______ a life goal, which will guide us to a bright future.

A.has B.have C.will have D.had

5.(2019湖北武汉)She’s brought you some eggs. As you know, she ______chickens.

A. keeps B. will keep C. has kept D. kept

6.(2019湖南郴州)--- Lucy,there ______too many things on the desk.What a mess!

--- Sorry, Mum.I’ll put them away.

A. have B. is C. are

7.(2019湖北咸宁) ---Let’s go climbing if it____this Saturday.

--- Good idea. But nobody knows if______ it.

A. is fine; rains B.is fine; will rain

C.will be fine; rains D. will be fine; will rain

8.(2019福建)There _____ a large bowl of Jiaozi on he table.

A. is B.are C. be

9.(2019湖北鄂州)---Son, you have never been abroad, I’m worried about you.

---Don’t worry, mom. As soon as I_______ , I______ you.

A. will arrive, call B. will arrive, will call

C. arrive, will call D. arrive, call

10.(2019新疆建设兵团)Not only Jack but also I ___crazy about the football match.

A. am B. is C.are D. be

11.(2019湖南湘西)---We will go for a picnic if it _____ this Sunday.

----Sounds great.

A.won’t rain B.is sunny C.will be sunny

12.(2019湖南湘西)---There _____ a book sale in our school. Would you like to have a book with me ?

---Sure. I’d love to.

A. is B.have C.are

13.(2019哈尔滨)When we _____building the Subway Line 3, it will be easier to travel around the city.

A.finish B.finished C.will finish

14.(2019黑龙江绥化)Uncle Wang often ____ to work by subway.

A.going B.go C.goes

15.(2019黑龙江绥化)Eighty percent of the students in this school ____ three to five times a week.

A.exercises B.exercise C.exercising

16.(2019四川广元)Not only you but also I __________ interested in the cartoon called Peppa Pig.

A. am B. is C. are

17.(2019四川德阳).Each of us_________wechat(微信)nowadays even the old people.

A.play B.plays C.playing D.played

18.(2019贵阳)Volunteering _____ the world warmer. Even small things can make a big difference.

A.make B.makes C.was making

19.(2019贵州黔西南、黔东南、黔南)Tom won’t go to bed until his father _____ back from work.

A.will come B.came C.comes D.come

20.(广西河池)We wonder if our parents will come to our graduating party next weekend. If they _____, we’ll be very sad.

A.come B.comes C.are coming D.will come

21.(2019广西柳州) I ______________ to school on foot every day.

A. go B. went C. has gone

22.(2019甘肃天水)Either the students or the teacher______ him very well.

A. knows B. to know C. know D. knew


一、1.sounds, 2.smells, 3.point, 4.tastes , 5.encourage, 6.send, 7.takes 8.catches, 9.pour 10.plays

二.1.connects, 2.lies/is, 3.are, 4.keeps, 5.matches, 6.fly , 7.circles, 8.are, 9.watches, 10.matters

三、1--5BCDAA; 6--10CBACA; 11--15BAACB; 16---22ABBCA; AA

