

一. 关于上课

1. Let's start now. / Let's begin our class / lesson. 开始上课!

2. Stand up, please. 请起立。

3. Sit down, please. 请坐。

4. Hands up,please. 请举手。

二. 关于值日考勤

1. Who's on duty today?今天谁值日?

2. Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗?

3. Are you all here? 都来了吗?

4. don't be late next time!下次不要迟到了!

5. May I come in?--Yes ,of course。 我可以进来吗?/是的,当然可以。

三. 关于提问

1. Who'd like to answer the question?谁想来回答一下这个问题?

2. Who can answer the question? 谁能来回答一下这个问题?

3. Who know the answer? 谁知道答案?

4. Who'd like to have try? 谁来试一试?

5. Would you like to try,Mary? 你想来试一下回答吗?Mary?

6. Would you like someone to help you? 你需要一个人来帮助你吗?

7. Would you like a second try? 你想要再试一试吗?

8. Can you spell/read the word...“ 你能拼写/读这个单词...吗?

9. Any volunteer? 有自愿回答的吗?

10. It's clear to you?你清楚它了吗?

11. Have I made it clear? 我把它讲清楚了吗?

12. You see the point? 重点你都懂了吗?

13. Got it?/Did you get it? 理解了吗?

14. Are you alright with it?你还好吗?

15. Have you done/finished your homework/exercise yet? 你做完/完成你的家庭作业/练习了吗?


四. 关于评语

1. Not bad。Thank you!还不错,谢谢你!

2. Great!/Very good!/Excellent!/Wonderful!/Well done!太好了!/做的好!

3. What a bright idea!Thank you! 很有亮点的注意!谢谢你!

4. That's a grat answer! 这是个好的答案!

5. Smart!/Clever!真聪明!

6. that's very close. Go on!答案很接近了,加油!

7. It's almost right!,Try again please. 基本对了!再试一下!

8. Sorry,I’m sure you can do it better next time.你下次一定可以做得更好!

五. 关于指示类

1. Say / Read after me, please. 请跟我读。

2. Follow me, please. 请跟我来。

3. Do what I do. 跟我做。

4. Repeat, please. / Repeat after me. 请重述。

5. Once more, please. / One more time, please. 请再来一次。

6. Come and write it on the blackboard. 请过来写在黑板上。

7. Please go back to your seat. 请回到座位上。

8. In English, please. 请用英语。

9. Please take out your books. 请拿出课本。

10. Please open your books at page ... / Find page .../ Turn to page ...请翻到第...页



