








英文翻译:Turtle in ancient Chinese culture is known as the treasure of the country, with the dragon, regarded as a great omen, is the symbol of the great governance of the world, so it can be stationed on the temple, and gods of heaven and earth ancestors share the world worship; At the same time, the ancients also believed the turtle as the spirit beast, auspicious beast, said that it can know the destiny of evil, as it can bring people good luck, wealth and well-being of large treasures.

The ancient people thought the tortoise was a spiritual thing. The tortoise shell was the main oracle bone inscriptions, which were burned with fire to divination. In ancient times, tortoise shells were used as money, which was considered to be valuable and a symbol of wealth. Turtle nature is resistant to hunger and thirst, long life, strong vitality, is also a symbol of immortality, longevity and longevity. Therefore, the tortoise shape and tortoise shell shape naturally came into the design of jewelry, and were widely used, becoming a symbol of blessing wealth and longevity. Be placed by make it all sorts of ornaments such as piece, condole drop, in adornment while, bring good luck to the person.

This collection is auspicious auspicious auspicious auspicious eight immortals birthday turtle ornaments. The ancients have always believed in the turtle, the main wealth and well-being, the way of wealth. Jade turtle body Fu four small turtles, the top of the head and the rear end of the turtle cover each before and after a echo, two front foot turtle cover each Fu small turtle about a complementary, meaning the square to make money, it is good luck. Jade turtle is engraved below the "Qing Qianlong year" inscription, turtle cover left and right sides of each carved blue, "long" life two words carved in the right and left flower basket. In the middle of the jade turtle, there is a big peach on its back, surrounded by statues of eight immortals. They look up to the beautiful mountains and rivers, watch the eight immortals, and talk with high spirits and long fairy meaning. The lucky as the eight immortals birthday tortoise furnishing articles from benevolent to carving characters, both realistic and lifelike, crystal clear, quality excellent, has the very high collection value.

Eight Immortals birthday is a traditional decorative theme, is also one of the well-known fairy tales. Originally, the eight immortals were characters from different periods, which were matched together by the word "eight immortals' birthday wishes" in the song book of the Yuan Dynasty. The legendary characters of the Eight Immortals are Zhong Hanli, Tie Guai Li, Lu Dongbin, Han Xiangzi, Cao Guoku, Zhang Guolao, Lan Caihe and He Xiangu. They are people with different experiences. After they became immortals, their deeds of punishing evil and promoting good and killing the rich and helping the poor have become hot topics among ordinary people. As these touching stories deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that people set off a special mood of respect for the Eight Immortals.

The collection is dynamic and highly valuable. In the market, collectors are very fond of long-lived turtles. According to folklore, the turtle objects not only represent the meaning of longevity, but also increase a person's luck, so that the time is engraved under the protection of the tortoise, seeking good fortune and avoiding evil, and more of the meaning of wealth and longevity and health, which is rare! Its carving is extremely exquisite, the material is superior, has the extremely high collection value.
