

【单词】SERVANT 原型:servant 名词 ['sɜːvənt] n. 仆人

【专有名词】ABRAHAM ['eɪbrəˌhæm] n. [圣经]亚伯拉罕(基督教和伊斯兰教的先知,是上帝从地上众生中所拣选并给予祝福的人)

【专有名词】REBEKAH n. 利百加(《圣经》中以撒之妻)

Then even before he was through speaking, Rebekah, who was the grand-daughter of Nahor, Abraham's brother, came out with her water-jar upon her shoulder.


【语法】sb., who ...,是定语从句,who后面的从句用来修饰前面的人物;

【短语】was through 原型:be through 完成,结束;例句:I'll be through in a few minutes. 我再过一会儿就会做完。

【单词】grand-daughter 名词 ['ɡrændɔːtər] n. 孙女

【单词】jar 名词 [dʒɑːr] n. 广口瓶;坛子

【单词】shoulder 名词 ['ʃəʊldə] n. 肩膀;肩部

She was very beautiful and unmarried.


【单词】beautiful 形容词 ['bjuːtɪfl] adj. 美丽的

【单词】unmarried 形容词 [ˌʌn'mærid] adj. 未婚的;独身的

She went down to the spring, filled her jar, and came up.


【单词】spring 名词 [sprɪŋ] n. 泉水

【单词】filled 原型:fill 动词过去式 [fɪl] v. 装满;填充

Then the servant ran to meet her and said, "Please let me drink a little water from your jar." She answered, "Drink, sir," and quickly let down her water-jar from her shoulder upon her hand and gave him a drink.


【短语】let down 放下;例句:Let down a rope so that I can climb up. 放下绳子,让我爬上去。

【语法】let sb./sth. do sth. 让某人(某物)做某事;例句:Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。

【单词】quickly 副词 ['kwɪkli] adv. 迅速地;立刻

When she had finished giving him a drink she said, "I will draw water for your camels also, until they have finished drinking." So she quickly emptied her jar into the trough and ran again to the well to draw water, and drew for all his camels.


【单词】finished 原型:finish 动词过去式 ['fɪnɪʃ] v. 完成;结束

【单词】draw 动词 [drɔː] v. 拖;提取;拉

【单词】camels 原型:camel 名词复数形式 ['kæməl] n. 骆驼

【单词】emptied 原型:empty 动词过去式 ['empti] v. 倒空;排空

【单词】trough 名词 [trɒf] n. 水槽;马槽

Meanwhile the man was silently gazing at her in order to find out whether Jehovah had made his journey successful or not.


【用法】in order to 意为“为了……”,表示目的;在用法和意义上相当于so as to结构,但是in order to结构可以用于句首、句中,而so as to多用于句中。其否定式分别为:in order not to 和so as not to。in order to在句中表示目的时,常可以转化成in order that。如:We should work hard in order to pass the exam.=We should work hard in order that we can pass the exam.

【短语】gazing at 原型:gaze at 凝视,注视;例句:She gazed at me in disbelief when I told her the news. 我告诉她这消息时,她以怀疑的目光注视著我。

【单词】Meanwhile 原型:meanwhile 副词 ['miːnwaɪl] adv. 其间;同时

【单词】silently 副词 ['saɪləntli] adv. 沉默地;寂静地

【单词】whether 连词 ['weðər] conj. 是否

【单词】journey 名词 ['dʒɜːni] n. 旅程;旅行

【单词】successful 形容词 [sək'sesfl] adj. 成功的;圆满的

As soon as the camels had finished drinking, the man took a gold ring, five ounces in weight, and put it in her nose, and put on her arms two golden bracelets weighing five ounces, and said, "Whose daughter are you?


【短语】As soon as 原型:as soon as 一 ... 就;例句:I'll write you as soon as I get there. 我一到那儿,就给你写信。

【短语】put on 穿上,戴上;例句:The man put on his coat and went out. 那人穿上外套,然后走了出去。

【单词】gold 形容词 [ɡəʊld] adj. 金色的;金制的

【单词】ring 名词 [rɪŋ] n. 戒指;环

【单词】ounces 原型:ounce 名词复数形式 [aʊns] n. 盎司

【单词】weight 名词 [weɪt] n. 重量

【单词】golden 形容词 ['ɡəʊldən] adj. 金的;金色的

【单词】bracelets 原型:bracelet 名词复数形式 [b'reɪslɪt] n. 手镯;手链

【单词】weighing 原型:weigh 动词动名词形式 [weɪ] v. 称(重量);重达

Tell me, I beg of you.


【单词】beg 动词 [beɡ] v. 恳求;乞讨

Is there room in your father's house for us to spend the night?" She answered, "I am the grand-daughter of Milcah and Nahor.


【单词】spend 动词 [spend] v. 度过

We have plenty of straw and feed, and there is a place for you to spend the night."


【短语】plenty of 很多的,大量的;例句:As I had plenty of money I was able to help her. 我钱很充裕,能帮助她。

【单词】straw 名词 [strɔː] n. 稻草

【单词】feed 名词 [fiːd] n. 饲料

Then the man bowed his head and worshipped Jehovah, saying, "Blessed be Jehovah, the God of my master Abraham, who has continued to show his mercy and his faithfulness toward my master.


【单词】bowed 原型:bow 动词过去式 [baʊ] v. 鞠躬

【单词】worshipped 原型:worship 动词过去式 ['wɜːʃɪp] vt. 崇拜;敬拜

【单词】master 名词 ['mɑːstə] n. 主人

【单词】continued 原型:continue 动词过去分词 [kən'tɪnjuː] v. 继续;持续

【单词】mercy 名词 ['mɜːsi] n. 仁慈;怜悯;恩惠

【单词】faithfulness 名词 ['feɪθflnəs] n. 忠诚;诚实

【单词】toward 介词 [tə'wɔːd] prep. 向;朝;对于

As for me, Jehovah has led me on the way to the house of my master's relatives."


【短语】as for 关于,至于;例句:As for me, I teach art. 至于我自己,我教艺术。

【短语】on the way 在途中;例句:He collapsed in the street and died on the way to hospital.他在大街上晕倒,在送往医院途中死去。

【单词】led 原型:lead 动词过去分词 [liːd] v. 引导;带领

【单词】relatives 原型:relative 名词复数形式 ['relətɪv] n. 亲戚

Then the young woman ran and told these things to her mother's family.


Now Rebekah had a brother named Laban; and Laban ran out to the man at the spring.


【专有名词】Laban n. (《圣经·创世记》中)拉班(Leah和Rachel之父)

And when he saw the bracelets on his sister's hands and the ring, and when he heard Rebekah say, "This is what the man said to me," he went to the man, who was still standing by the camels at the spring, and said, "Come in, you who are blessed by Jehovah!


【语法】what 常用来引导名词性从句,即主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。what在引导名词性从句时有两个重要的特点: 一是它在相应的名词性从句中一定有含义,常表示“什么”,“所...的”,“...的样子”等; 二是它在相应的名词性从句中一定做成分,而且常做主语,宾语或表语。例如:做句子的主语,What you have done might do harm to other people. 你所做的事情可能对其他人有害; 作句子的表语,He is not what he used to be. 他已不是从前的他了。

【单词】heard 原型:hear 动词过去式 [hɪə] v. 听到

【单词】blessed 原型:bless 动词过去式 [bles] v. 保佑;祝福;赐福

【专有名词】Jehovah [dʒɪ'həʊvə] n. [圣经]耶和华(指上帝)

Why do you stand outside?


【单词】outside 介词 [ˌaʊt'saɪd] prep. 在 ... 外边

For I have cleared the house and have room for the camels." So he brought the man into the house and took the packs off the camels and furnished straw and feed for them, and water to wash his feet and the feet of the men who were with him.


【单词】brought 原型:bring 动词过去式 [brɪŋ] vt. 带来

【单词】packs 原型:pack 名词复数形式 [pæk] n.包裹;背包

【单词】furnished 原型:furnish 动词过去式 ['fɜːnɪʃ] v. 布置;提供

【单词】straw 名词 [strɔː] n. 稻草

【单词】feed 名词 [fiːd] n. 饲料

【单词】wash 动词 [wɒʃ] v. 洗;洗涤
